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 re New Nick Drake song

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Joe Morris Posted - 22/12/2010 : 15:29:07
a new Nick Drake song (Reckless Jane) is due for release on a Beverley Martyn album this year (2010)

take THAT lk!
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Joe Morris Posted - 10/01/2011 : 04:07:28
I like how Nick mispronounces Cocaine

Just passed along to a friend (hi Scott!) a release (?) called Lilac Time, which seems to be a release of demos of Nicks songs. Good stuff

Stuff from the Tanworth in Arden II release, and the Time has told me volumes (1 & 2)

Give Family tree
a miss though! doesn't have the fingerpicked version of "Place to be" ! (seems to be from the "work tape" of Nicks (1969? 68?)

He strums the song on Pink Moon of course, which he recorded over 2 "late night" (Syd)
sessions in 1972 with John Wood as engineer at Sound Techniques
ALLANAGAIN Posted - 07/01/2011 : 13:05:44
yeah N.D. definatly liked a toke. I,ve got a C,D, recently from a friend with just "Bits n Out-takes" wrote on it (?)
Nick sings a track called "I,ve been smoking too long" wich is definatly about the weed. "Cocaine" the old Blues standard is on there as well.
Joe Morris Posted - 24/12/2010 : 08:56:33
actually all 6 (or 7 including the odd compilation!)

in addition to FLL, BL and PM
theres also Second Grade, Tanworth in Arden II, Time has told me v1 (2cd) and v2 (cd)

Family Tree, Made to love magic, Treasury (with the unreleased snippet Plaisir d'amour)

Way to Blue & Heaven in a wild flower comprise the current compilations

Good luck finding Fruit Tree II!
lemonade kid Posted - 24/12/2010 : 06:59:22
I love all three also!

Letting your freak flag fly is a state of mind,
not a fashion statement.
dyecraig Posted - 24/12/2010 : 05:00:33
for me, all 3 rule, depending on my mood.
can't wait to hear a new tune.
Joe Morris Posted - 24/12/2010 : 00:22:16
Five Leaves Left, yeah

he liked Tizla rolling papers at least! thats what it would say when you were reaching the end of a pack:

Five Leaves Left!

his best album, probably!
lemonade kid Posted - 23/12/2010 : 16:59:20
Hmmmmm.....Jane.... Hazy Jane...Mary Jane,,,,Mari(a)- Juana.......?
Nick did like a toke, now and then

Letting your freak flag fly is a state of mind,
not a fashion statement.
Joe Morris Posted - 23/12/2010 : 01:51:42
lyrics for Hazey Jane are on Beverleys site, curiously!

Mary Jane is my paricular favorite:
sometimesmylifeissoeerie Posted - 23/12/2010 : 00:37:46
What's with this Jane chick?
There's Hazy Jane I
Hazy Jane II
The Thoughts of Mary Jane
And now "Reckless Jane".
Was there a Jane in ND's life, or was he just using the name for any woman?
I've had a tough day- led the school band through my derangements of Christmas songs, then listened to a kid imitate Axel Rose singing "November Rain" and I had to play the keyboard and strings part cause the keyboard player was absent today
Gonna put on Bryter Layter anst nod out.
Joe Morris Posted - 22/12/2010 : 20:24:07
movin through Solid Air, baby!
lemonade kid Posted - 22/12/2010 : 16:39:16
The Drakes & Martyns...friends for life, and beyond

Letting your freak flag fly is a state of mind,
not a fashion statement.

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