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T O P I C    R E V I E W
markk Posted - 06/12/2010 : 20:32:29
Last night I watched a Soundstage performance of Fleetwood Mac on VH1
Classis Rock. I am not a big fan of them, but we all know their songs. This was very impressive, very professional, organized and even some charisma. Particularly, the whole Stevie Nicks personna was awesome, her looks, the lacy flowing outfits, the ease of her steady voice. I think this was a 2008 performance and she looked great for a 60 year old. Just thought this was worthy of mention and to view.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Joe Morris Posted - 07/12/2010 : 02:39:25
Curiously, their best song, the (hit UK) single "Albatross" never saw release on an album:

Do you get wafers with it?
Joe Morris Posted - 07/12/2010 : 02:37:05
I like Buckingham/Nicks, have that on a digipack cd (Polygram)
even has some bonus tracks like "Gold"
that Stevie & Buckingham sang on
and "Magnet and Steel" that I think Lindsey played on

Sadly no vacation tracks!

Its one of my favorite Mac (related) albums too. I like Buckingham/Nicks as much as Then Play On (Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac) and Time (Dave Mason's Fleetwood Mac) although not as much as Penguin (Bob Welch's Fleetwood Mac - my favorite Mac album!)

I prefer the version of "Crystal" on the BN ticks to the 1st (Stevie/LB) FMac album, although Lindsey's solo stuff is also class, and certainly better than Tango!

markk Posted - 07/12/2010 : 01:41:25
Yes, Lindsey Buckingham was equally impressive as a talented performer, but not quite as alluring as Miss Nicks.
lemonade kid Posted - 06/12/2010 : 21:56:57
Sounds great. I am a fan more of Buckingham/Nicks (the LP) which I owned before they joined Fleetwood Mac..... though they recorded some iconic rock, the Peter Green era is the one to have in your music library of course!

Letting your freak flag fly is a state of mind,
not a fashion statement.

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