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 Parody, tribute or just a trashing...?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lemonade kid Posted - 28/05/2010 : 21:30:18
Many of the great ones were parodied, honored or trashed by other
artists either covering their works or with "new" songs that have
an unmistakeable sound of a certain band or artist....or
are they pale imitations?

Dylan and Beatles maybe got honored or parodied most, Donovan
got it quite a bit too....any you know of? I'm not talking
covered the way the Byrds or Baez covered Dylan (etc) but actually
parodied or imitated the sound of a Dylan or Beatle song.
Arthur definitley got the Dylan sound with "Bummer In The Summer",
but was it a tribute or did he just like that rapping sound?
Arthur certainly did not need to imitate anyone. He was as unique
as they come....he imitated or honored Hendrix a few years later....

Tom Rapp won a talent contest as a kid, beating out a young Robert
Zimmerman. So is this a Dylan tribute or parody or just plain fun?


<> "Playmate"

ANy you particularly like? Ruggles fans come out and play!

Everybody's got something to hide 'cept for me and my monkey.
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BobbyFischer Posted - 31/05/2010 : 01:07:27
Neil Innes who plays Lennon in The Rutles and wrote most of the music and lyrics also have this nice gem when he was in Bonzo dog doo dah band from 68 We are normal,guess what band he parodies from 1.50.. :-)
BobbyFischer Posted - 31/05/2010 : 00:40:15
My all time favourite parody band is The Rutles.On the Dvd commentary track Eric Idle tells of meeting Ringo and George after the movie and they do a jamming together of Ouch!Lennon also loved the movie,roumors have it Sir Paul hated it.. My favourite Rutles songs and

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