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 What song is your movie soundtrack?!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lemonade kid Posted - 26/05/2010 : 21:14:30
Some songs just beg to be soundtracks for movies-- or life. What song do
feel has been criminally ignored!!!...

Share yours for what you feel should be the featured soundtrack in the next

Here is mine....this builds to a great last half instrumental (when the vocal work is done),
Inspirational...makes me want to stand and shout. The drumming gets pretty
nice on the fills & cymbals, and so does the guitar. Brilliant! It just BUILDS!!!

ONE MORE CHANCE(Sandy Denny)...not a bad title either for my movie.

If it doesn't play, this does-- from her last performance....more touching in a way. Knowing that, brings tears...

Everybody's got something to hide 'cept for me and my monkey.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
aloneagain Posted - 05/06/2010 : 02:16:43
boombox Posted - 28/05/2010 : 16:28:36
Forget tracks for a film soundtrack, Stackridge's 'The Day the World Stopped Turning' from last year's 'A Victory for Common Sense' is in itself a whole film plot for a sci-fi movie. Also Genesis' 'White Mountain' from Trespass would make a good cartoon short.
Joe Morris Posted - 27/05/2010 : 00:55:37
"Montage Pastoral" off the Tootsie soundtrack
bob f. Posted - 27/05/2010 : 00:34:07
well... as far as soundtrack to my life....
the Warner Brothers Merry Melodies tune for the cartoons is a good start. The Little Rascals theme song. The Laural & Hardy theme song.
Andy Griffith Theme song. " Theme From A Summer Place" ...."Tequila"
no wonder I'm so messed up! (in a good way!)

...what the world needs now...

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