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 GREATEST Psych albums & Psychedelic Time-line!

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lemonade kid Posted - 03/11/2009 : 19:47:29
Couldn't find the old thread so here is a new one, rocker!

A good list for starters and a site for more lists....what is missing and what is wrong?!! Da Capo at 16. ....TOP 100 ....more lists

Everybody's got something to hide 'cept for me and my monkey.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lemonade kid Posted - 06/11/2009 : 05:07:28
Originally posted by boombox

Damn, works server has blocked access to the list! Will have to look later.

Good to see the Nuge's best album on there - you don't get much more psychedelic than "Why is A Carrot More Orange Than An Orange?" and of course the title track should be on every top list of psych tunes.

Did you get "IN", boomer? Some great lists and that timeline is quite interesting!

Everybody's got something to hide 'cept for me and my monkey.
boombox Posted - 05/11/2009 : 12:16:53
Damn, works server has blocked access to the list! Will have to look later.

Good to see the Nuge's best album on there - you don't get much more psychedelic than "Why is A Carrot More Orange Than An Orange?" and of course the title track should be on every top list of psych tunes.
rocker Posted - 04/11/2009 : 14:41:40
Looking at the list, I see "Journey to the Center of the Mind" by the Amboy Dukes is on there. That's one I haven't heard for a while. It moves man...
lemonade kid Posted - 03/11/2009 : 22:25:41
Here is a fantastic Psychedelic Timeline...from the first known roots of "psychedelic" experience on a recorded LP in 1957. Just amazing. John Densmore was in the first band whose name referenced "Psychedelic".....The Psychedelic Rangers.

Dig that 1960 album cover of Eden Ahbez's LP.....pure '67 summer of love hippie look!!
Really interesting, mates!!

Everybody's got something to hide 'cept for me and my monkey.
rocker Posted - 03/11/2009 : 20:24:43
perfect.. thanks..I'll be looking it over...

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