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 Dylan in a Xmas Mood

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rocker Posted - 28/10/2009 : 16:20:09
Got a chance to hear his covers. With Bob it's sure a "raspy" Yuletide coming over the sound system!
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Joe Morris Posted - 03/11/2009 : 04:13:37
Winterlude winterlude..
rocker Posted - 02/11/2009 : 21:55:19
" the early mornin' rain..with nowhere to go"....I like it.....
Joe Morris Posted - 31/10/2009 : 00:01:40
of course Self-Portrait remains the mans best album
rocker Posted - 30/10/2009 : 21:15:31
and btw does Bob have say a "religious" persuasion? I just don't know!
lemonade kid Posted - 29/10/2009 : 22:31:51
Originally posted by LeeRob

rocker, actually he did H-N on an old boot. It's a hoot, he yodels, Woody-style at the end.

LK - Yea, anyone who wants to see the "old," Bob Dylan these days will have to adjust to the "new-" est Bob Dylan. He's just as great as ever; very blusey and doin' it just the way he wants to; just as you said.

Okay, okay, it might be phleghm-rock, but it's REAL phlegm-rock :)

All misspellings are purposeful...

Ha! A new Genre...with Dylan, Waits, & Capt. Beefheart right the TOP!

Try as much as possible to be wholly alive, with all your might,
and when you laugh, laugh like hell,
and when you get angry, get good and angry.
Try to be alive. You will be dead soon enough.
--william saroyan
LeeRob Posted - 29/10/2009 : 22:02:02
rocker, actually he did H-N on an old boot. It's a hoot, he yodels, Woody-style at the end.

LK - Yea, anyone who wants to see the "old," Bob Dylan these days will have to adjust to the "new-" est Bob Dylan. He's just as great as ever; very blusey and doin' it just the way he wants to; just as you said.

Okay, okay, it might be phleghm-rock, but it's REAL phlegm-rock :)

All misspellings are purposeful...
rocker Posted - 29/10/2009 : 17:18:52
LeeRob...."happy and sincere"
Yeah, and it looks like he's mellowed by doing the songs. I don't know. I'm wondering now if this gets so popular he may entertain doin' "Hava Nagila" on piano, with a chorus and dancers. Now that could be a hit!..
lemonade kid Posted - 29/10/2009 : 16:31:39
Originally posted by LeeRob

Ha! I got the CD as soon as it was out. I love it. I think it's great that ol' Bob sounds happy and sincere in his Christmas wishes; and the Christmas Blues is great. Yeah well, I had to clear my throat a few times while listening, but the traditional arrangements and smooth production suites me fine. (oh, and it proves that Bob can carry a tune if he wants to) Peace and holiday blessings.

All misspellings are purposeful...

Thanks. LeeRob. Remember that interview in "Dont Look Back" where Bob says he is just as good a singer as Caruso"? He said he hits all the notes he wants to, perfectly (to paraphrase). I believe him. He proved he could sing as well as anyone with "Nashville Skyline"....just didn't know he still had a voice after all those cigarettes. Kinda like Tom Waits when he proves he can still sing some very moving, well sung tunes.

Missing the notes perfectly is as much of an art as singing them perfectly.....but then Bob never missed a note, he sang them just the way he wanted them to be sung.

Try as much as possible to be wholly alive, with all your might,
and when you laugh, laugh like hell,
and when you get angry, get good and angry.
Try to be alive. You will be dead soon enough.
--william saroyan
LeeRob Posted - 29/10/2009 : 15:50:17
Ha! I got the CD as soon as it was out. I love it. I think it's great that ol' Bob sounds happy and sincere in his Christmas wishes; and the Christmas Blues is great. Yeah well, I had to clear my throat a few times while listening, but the traditional arrangements and smooth production suites me fine. (oh, and it proves that Bob can carry a tune if he wants to) Peace and holiday blessings.

All misspellings are purposeful...
lemonade kid Posted - 29/10/2009 : 15:43:03
Originally posted by rocker

lk....Look this is my opinion. I had a bit of a time linking him up with the old yuletide season. Bob singing the carols to me is jarring to say the least! I don't know. I guess after all these years I'm programmed to hear Dylan in a certain way! But again maybe if I listened more his approach to Christmas songs wouldn't upset my Dylan "apple cart"...

Ya..I hear you.....just not quite right for our Dylan sensibilities....maybe something like--"It's Alright, Santa, I'm Only Bleeding" or "Stuck Outside of Macy's With The North Pole Blues Again"....

Try as much as possible to be wholly alive, with all your might,
and when you laugh, laugh like hell,
and when you get angry, get good and angry.
Try to be alive. You will be dead soon enough.
--william saroyan
rocker Posted - 29/10/2009 : 13:38:50
lk....Look this is my opinion. I had a bit of a time linking him up with the old yuletide season. Bob singing the carols to me is jarring to say the least! I don't know. I guess after all these years I'm programmed to hear Dylan in a certain way! But again maybe if I listened more his approach to Christmas songs wouldn't upset my Dylan "apple cart"...
Joe Morris Posted - 29/10/2009 : 01:34:36
Does he do anything fun like "Froggy goes a courtin" ?
lemonade kid Posted - 28/10/2009 : 20:34:44
Originally posted by rocker

Got a chance to hear his covers. With Bob it's sure a "raspy" Yuletide coming over the sound system!

What is your review?

Try as much as possible to be wholly alive, with all your might,
and when you laugh, laugh like hell,
and when you get angry, get good and angry.
Try to be alive. You will be dead soon enough.
--william saroyan

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