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stewart Posted - 29/09/2009 : 14:22:23
I'm in the UK and want to sell my vinyl collection but wary of selling it too cheaply as one lot to a dealer. I thought of ebay but wondered whether it would be viable or practicable to sell ~ 500 LPs and singles that way. I also have a few 60s/psychedelic posters to sell inc Love at the Fillmore and also wondered the best way to sell these.

anyone have any experience of selling their collection / posters that they can pass on?
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Joe Morris Posted - 30/09/2009 : 17:56:40
Thankfully I've been spared the rip off treatment
though I've had a friend scammed on a chargeback
because she didn't send to confirmed address
and so forth

These days eBay is definitely siding with the buyers
(a seller can't leave a negative, etc)
but thats not necessarily a bad thing

It just makes one work harder to gain good feedback. You
throw on gifts and extras to your orders, go the extra mile

The whole site is based on feedback of course. Even that is
frighteningly flawed (a seller can't leave a negative for a non
paying bidder? whats up with that?!)

But thats how you buy of course, from someone with superb
feedback and no history of bad transactions

Paypal is a necessary evil (what with the substantial fees)

Squaretrade is probably a better mediator in transactions
that don't go so well on eBay.

Or perhaps escrow
caryne Posted - 30/09/2009 : 10:28:16
Originally posted by Joe Morris

You have to use Paypal for protection on the side, otherwise
you're in trouble if the items not in the condition stated

Like I said Joe, it doesn't always work so easily. I used PayPal and returned the dodgy item using recorded/signed for delivery but still ebay sided with the seller who lied and said she didn't receive it back. I do use ebay but am very cautious as they really don't care when things go wrong.
Joe Morris Posted - 30/09/2009 : 05:11:25
on the site I mean!
Joe Morris Posted - 30/09/2009 : 05:10:22
You have to use Paypal for protection on the side, otherwise
you're in trouble if the items not in the condition stated
caryne Posted - 29/09/2009 : 19:21:11
Originally posted by lemonade kid

One more thing is to ALWAYS insure (requiring a signature) when you send it out.... occasionally a buyer will say that it never arrived when it actually DID! and ebay will give give their money back without question....right, Ed?!! So seller beware!

Try as much as possible to be wholly alive, with all your might,
and when you laugh, laugh like hell,
and when you get angry, get good and angry.
Try to be alive. You will be dead soon enough.
--william saroyan

Well, that can work both ways, ebay don't always support the buyer. I bought a record and it came in a terrible condition. The seller told me to send it back for a refund, I did this, sent it recorded (so it got a signature) and she denied receiving it. Ebay still went with her, even though I had a signature, and I didn't get my money back and she had the record back too!!

On the subject of selling I find ebay very expensive, their feees are very high even for just advertising the stuff even if you don't sell it. Have you thought of advertising in the small ads in magazines? Record Collector still seem to have a lot of 'for sale' ads.
lemonade kid Posted - 29/09/2009 : 18:24:35
One more thing is to ALWAYS insure (requiring a signature) when you send it out.... occasionally a buyer will say that it never arrived when it actually DID! and ebay will give give their money back without question....right, Ed?!! So seller beware!

Try as much as possible to be wholly alive, with all your might,
and when you laugh, laugh like hell,
and when you get angry, get good and angry.
Try to be alive. You will be dead soon enough.
--william saroyan
lemonade kid Posted - 29/09/2009 : 18:21:50
Originally posted by stewart

I'm in the UK and want to sell my vinyl collection but wary of selling it too cheaply as one lot to a dealer. I thought of ebay but wondered whether it would be viable or practicable to sell ~ 500 LPs and singles that way. I also have a few 60s/psychedelic posters to sell inc Love at the Fillmore and also wondered the best way to sell these.

anyone have any experience of selling their collection / posters that they can pass on?

Auction can be a strange trip, but Amazon has sellers that ask what they want for each item (if it is paired with a current or still available CD)....look in the collectibles entry to find vinyl versions of a CD to see what i mean. Ebay would be good if you only accept Paypal or Charges and set a minimum bid that would be acceptable to you.

Unless you don't care about $$, which you do, a dealer will always give MUCh less than retail value (hwich can seem like a bad deal!)...20 to 30 % of full value and that can be a bit of a bummer!

Try as much as possible to be wholly alive, with all your might,
and when you laugh, laugh like hell,
and when you get angry, get good and angry.
Try to be alive. You will be dead soon enough.
--william saroyan

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