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T O P I C    R E V I E W
John9 Posted - 25/06/2009 : 00:33:51

A couple of weeks back I saw Barry Maguire and John York perform a superb gig in Wigan, Lancashire. They were concluding a short UK tour prior to leaving for Ireland. I really would implore anyone who wishes to hear the best music currently being composed by any former Byrd to check out John's recent solo releases, Claremont Dragon and Arigatou Baby. I also have West Coast Revelation - a kaleidoscope of music, reflection and memories that is a collaboration between John York and Kim Fowley. John's recollections of Sunset Strip in the mid 60s....and especially of a certain group who had been newly signed to Elektra..... are truly enthralling. Here are the links:
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lemonade kid Posted - 25/06/2009 : 00:49:54
Originally posted by John9

A couple of weeks back I saw Barry Maguire and John York perform a superb gig in Wigan, Lancashire. They were concluding a short UK tour prior to leaving for Ireland. I really would implore anyone who wishes to hear the best music currently being composed by any former Byrd to check out John's recent solo releases, Claremont Dragon and Arigatou Baby. I also have West Coast Revelation - a kaleidoscope of music, reflection and memories that is a collaboration between John York and Kim Fowley. John's recollections of Sunset Strip in the mid 60s....and especially of a certain group who had been newly signed to Elektra..... are truly enthralling. Here are the links:

Thanks!! What great music!! And wasn't Barry the man back in the 60's?!! Still is I guess!!

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