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scully Posted - 18/06/2009 : 22:19:48
Bit off topic, but wondering if any of you are fans of the 13th Floor elevators and if you've seen this:

It's a fantastic artefact, a real treat for the eyes and ears.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lemonade kid Posted - 06/07/2009 : 15:48:08
Originally posted by caryne

I'm off to see Roky Erickson at the Forum in London on August 20th (birthday treat) pity you won't be there Steve.

Nice! How the hell are you, caryne? Wondered if you'd left us forever !!

Never run from anything immortal. It attracts their attention.
caryne Posted - 06/07/2009 : 13:45:28
I'm off to see Roky Erickson at the Forum in London on August 20th (birthday treat) pity you won't be there Steve.
steve64 Posted - 19/06/2009 : 18:22:48
I am a fan of 13th Floor Elevators, Easter Everywhere is my fave album by them, I have the DVD 'Your Gonna Miss Me' which is the Documentary on Roky Erickson, got to see Roky Erickson play live in London at The Royal Festival Hall in 2007 and he was excellent, he is back in England for a couple of shows in August but I won't be able to make the gigs this time round,

Paris Journals at
lemonade kid Posted - 19/06/2009 : 17:57:55
Originally posted by scully

The guy who put it together also wrote the book 'Eye Mind' which is the story of the elevators, a real roller coaster of a tale.

It's obviously a real labour of love for him, beautifully put together and peerless in the level of research that's gone into it.

It would be cool if there were something of this ilk for Love.

One of my favourite bands though, so I supposed I am not completely objective.

I think 13th Floor fans are as objective as Love fans.....they are the BEST!! And quite a story, ripe for a great film bio/drama, but please NOT like the DOORS movie!

Never run from anything immortal. It attracts their attention.
scully Posted - 18/06/2009 : 23:48:41
The guy who put it together also wrote the book 'Eye Mind' which is the story of the elevators, a real roller coaster of a tale.

It's obviously a real labour of love for him, beautifully put together and peerless in the level of research that's gone into it.

It would be cool if there were something of this ilk for Love.

One of my favourite bands though, so I supposed I am not completely objective.
lemonade kid Posted - 18/06/2009 : 23:22:45
Originally posted by scully

Bit off topic, but wondering if any of you are fans of the 13th Floor elevators and if you've seen this:

It's a fantastic artefact, a real treat for the eyes and ears.

Ya! Pretty cool. I have the box with 67 tracks but this new release trumps it!

Never run from anything immortal. It attracts their attention.

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