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 Woodstock Ultimate Collectors Ed 40th- DVDs

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lemonade kid Posted - 12/06/2009 : 23:51:22
40th Anniversary directors cut....4 hours of woodstock magic, plus 3+ hours of extra footage, leatherette cover with fringe, clothes patch. 3-day ticket to the "concert", 60 page original Life article....and more!

Here you go rocker! The

Never run from anything immortal. It attracts their attention.
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lemonade kid Posted - 25/06/2009 : 22:42:33
Got my box from Amazon. This one has an extra DVD (4 total) with exclusive bonus performances by Airplane, Country Joe and Grateful Dead.

Pretty sweet! BTW, my local record shop friend doesn't order these kind of products because the savings is so drastic online. He just tells us to get it for a good price, and buy your classic vinyl from him!!

Ha! I passed on the tambourine, Rick! I had a fringed leather jacket custom made way back then, just like Neil Young's from the Last Time Around LP I couldn't resist!!

Never run from anything immortal. It attracts their attention.
rocker Posted - 17/06/2009 : 14:23:58
that's good...I just read another big retail music store here is out of business..looks like it's the small local music stores and the Net where people get their music now...I'm starting to go those small stores now since i just don't think some of the 'older' stuff wouldn't be as likely to be on the Net for download...
bob f. Posted - 17/06/2009 : 01:38:34
I shop in my local San Fernando Valley home area at used/new stores,
"CD Trader", "Freak Beat Records", which have vinyl and cds. seems that i usualy walk out with stuff not even on my wish list,
and if i wanta order it, , Barns & Noble will do it. i often get used cds/lps. alotta times i'm on a quest for certain records, and like the times , just browsing or searching the bins, BAM...THERE IT IS!
most of the time, my big wish list which i carry with me always, is unfullfilled, due to price or availability.
but stuff i just can't wait for gets the grease!

...what the world needs now...
lemonade kid Posted - 16/06/2009 : 22:52:56
Originally posted by rocker

You know I'd like to get this and add it to my collection but I'm really confused as to which I should get! Any suggestions you "aging hippies" who were "goin' up the countree"???, eh???.......

It is very confusing, rocker. It depends on whether you have a little indie record shop you want to be loyal extras!

Or if you like Airplane, Dead and Country Joe extras from Amazon, OR Canned Heat, Hendrix, Who extras from Target.

That's tough, but I may go with the Amazon since I love the Airplane and Country Joe...Hendrix, love him, but he is so everywhere.

Unless you gotta have the TaRGET tambourine Package. All 3 versions are "collectible".

Never run from anything immortal. It attracts their attention.
rocker Posted - 16/06/2009 : 14:58:04
You know I'd like to get this and add it to my collection but I'm really confused as to which I should get! Any suggestions you "aging hippies" who were "goin' up the countree"???, eh???.......
boombox Posted - 16/06/2009 : 01:29:20
Looks interesting, but there is even more out there available on the 4 DVD boot. Might not be top quality, but there's some real gems here.
lemonade kid Posted - 13/06/2009 : 22:02:21
I'll have to take a look at each. Thanks, Rick, for the heads up! Good idea to share with friends. Now, which do I want......decisions, decisions.


Never run from anything immortal. It attracts their attention.
SignedRW Posted - 13/06/2009 : 19:19:15
How about that it sucks in a major way, Scott? I've no idea as to
whether or not the Amazon and Target "exclusives" are numbered (I
just don't personally care enough about that sort of thing to bother
to notice), but the sets seem to have identical content (aside from
Target's tambourine and cylindrical drum-shaped packaging), apart from
the different bonus discs. Amazon gives you exclusive music from the
Dead, the Airplane, and Country Joe, plus three extra "featurettes,"
while Target (don't forget that cool tambourine!) has exclusive Hendrix,
Who, and Canned Heat footage, along with not three, but four
additional "featurettes." No idea what the featurettes entail, but
the various sources (for DVD, as opposed to Blu-Ray) are all within
the same general price range, at forty to forty-five dollars. I would
think a good way to go would be for two friends to each buy one of
the exclusive packages, one from Amazon and one from Target, and
then just burn copies of the bonus discs for each other to get all the music.
lemonade kid Posted - 13/06/2009 : 18:17:00
HA! Tambourine?!! Is there a recommendation as to which is "best" for the money?
AM I jaded, or does this marketing strategy suck a bit?!!

I assume that all three releases have the standard 3 discs (there is also a NOT limited edition with two DVDs)....the first numbered, standard 3 dvd set is a limited edition...are the "store" box sets also?

Never run from anything immortal. It attracts their attention.
SignedRW Posted - 13/06/2009 : 17:06:48
Firstly, shop carefully for this set; there are at least THREE
different versions available, as far as content, that I know of,
and possibly even more than three! The standard Deluxe release
has three DVD's; the exclusive only to Amazon has four DVD's,
with musical performances available only on, and exclusive to the
extra disc; and the exclusive only to Target also has four DVD's,
with DIFFERENT musical performances available only on, and
exclusive to their set. Guess I have to admit that it's brilliant
marketing; to obtain all available musical performances, one
would have to buy at least two different exclusive releases.
It's probably just me, but I also find it a little hard not to sense
a bit of boomer mocking going on with the packaging; the faux
buckskin fringe, and the Target release that comes complete with
your own tambourine (I kid you not) so that we we aging hippies
can whack the tambourine while grooving on our couches to the
soundtrack of our own Aquarian Age from four decades gone....

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