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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dave Mclean Posted - 01/03/2009 : 16:09:06
Hey fellow Love fans

Just a quickie.......

We just uploaded a brand new song called "La Logica del Canvi". 6 minutes 15 seconds of Psych-Pop that i hope you will enjoy

Also our EP "Alchemy#101" will be out on either Mon 13th or 20th April on the Scottish label "Skittlebrau".

For more info please visit our site:

Good Vibrations to you all!


1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lemonade kid Posted - 01/03/2009 : 17:03:07
Originally posted by Dave Mclean

Hey fellow Love fans

Just a quickie.......

We just uploaded a brand new song called "La Logica del Canvi". 6 minutes 15 seconds of Psych-Pop that i hope you will enjoy

Also our EP "Alchemy#101" will be out on either Mon 13th or 20th April on the Scottish label "Skittlebrau".

For more info please visit our site:

Good Vibrations to you all!


Thanks Dave. I keep turning on friends to Del's "Charles Westover" LP....what a gem!! Thanks for the heads two record shop owner friends (in Maine & Iowa)had neither seen nor heard it before.....let alone heard OF it!! Too bad it's so obscure, but I did see that it's on CD at Amazon & MusicStack. The original Canadian vinyl copy that I found is beautiful!!

Thanks again and CHEERS on the new EP!!! (Did you say you were going to cover another of Del's soon??) I've been recommending your EPs too!!

Round up the usual suspects....

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