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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lemonade kid Posted - 16/01/2009 : 19:39:29
IT'S FUNNY BUT I SEEM TO BE DISCOVERING & rediscovering more music from the 60's than I was aware of DURING the 60's. But with limited funds and limited to what local radio stations would play in those days (albeit they were far superior to today's radio play!!)......I discovered what I could. But now the gems just keep appearing thanks to you all & some great friends and the www.....

So please share newly discovered or rediscovered or obscure bands, lost albums by known bands, or lost artists....of any era, but I guess mostly from the Golden Age sixties. Though I have discovered some great music from the 70's & even 80's that was lost, but he 80's?...well not many "lost" with corporate promotion overkill, just "bombed". I would say. (And if you have any youtube or mp3s to )

New, even if relatively obscure bands, would not apply here as they haven't been around long enough to be LOST!

For me, for starters:

1) The Further Adventures Of Charles Westover (Del Shannon) (1968)
2) Brother Fox and Tar Baby (1969)
3) J.K.&Co. (1968)
4) Sapphire Thinkers (1968?)
5) Little Games-Yardbirds (1967)...never listened to this back then as they were on the wane, but what a great psych LP!!!

Good people are good because they've come to wisdom through failure. ---- William Saroyan
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bob f. Posted - 27/05/2009 : 21:57:55

...what the world needs now...
lemonade kid Posted - 24/05/2009 : 07:19:59
Mandrake Memorial ("Puzzle" right now)

Anyone else know this remarkable psych band that rivaled NAZZ in Philly in the day?!!

A lost gem for sure!!! (thanks again, freeed)

Never run from anything immortal. It attracts their attention.
mikeb Posted - 17/05/2009 : 19:49:08
Originally posted by bob f.

Ultimate Spinach. the album is " Behold & See" psych-rock, trippy. this is their 2nd release, 1968. their 3rd album, "The End Breed", is also good. i'd skip their 1st keyboard dominated one.

...what the world needs now...

That album is superb, YouTube has a good quality recording of Mind Flowers up:
bob f. Posted - 17/05/2009 : 00:32:54
Ultimate Spinach. the album is " Behold & See" psych-rock, trippy. this is their 2nd release, 1968. their 3rd album, "The End Breed", is also good. i'd skip their 1st keyboard dominated one.

...what the world needs now...
lemonade kid Posted - 09/05/2009 : 19:00:16
Just broke the seal on my original David ackles LP. "American Gothic". Acclaimed as the Sgt. Pepper of folk.

For anyone that doesn't know his work, the closest I can get is to say his piano based, rock, gospel, folk, is often orchestrated in the modern American musical style of Aaron Copeland.....his story telling songs are a bit like Leonard Cohen.....Vocals in a soft Cohen style but that's missing the mark, because he was regarded as having one of the "finest voices ever heard" (Rolling Stone 1970).

Elvis Costello sighted Ackles as the major influence in his music during his induction to the Hall. Elton John's "Tumbleweed Connection" is dedicated "to David (Ackles) with love".
On his first LP he was backed by Rhinoceros. All are great.

After his passing due to lung cancer in 1999, he was eulogized by
several major UK newspapers....but not much mention over here in his homeland. Another reason to be grateful to you all in the UK that seem to pick up our fallen music heroes and restore them to their rightful place of honor.


Never run from anything immortal. It attracts their attention.
lemonade kid Posted - 05/05/2009 : 11:37:18
Here is the amazing Tom Rapp with Pearls Before Swine......some really beautiful (& strange!) psychedelic folk.....lost gems, if ever found!

(BTW, (unfortunately not included here) the album's intro is an 1890 recording of the surviving trumpeter of "Charge of the Light Brigade" battle: Trumpeter Landfrey)....the song that follows is Tom's most enduring & beautiful song "Translucent Carriages", & then, "Images of April".

An anti-war tune with trippy, nightmarish whispers that include "only the dead have seen the end of war".

(Re)Discover and enjoy....

Never run from anything immortal. It attracts their attention.
bob f. Posted - 03/05/2009 : 23:20:50
i'm listnin' to " The Complete Hits of Linda Scott". all 'true stereo' from original master tapes.

...what the world needs now...
rocker Posted - 27/04/2009 : 16:22:04
man that album has pride of place in my house...up there with FC...
bob f. Posted - 26/04/2009 : 04:26:21
listening to "Something Else" cd by The Kinks. have'nt played it in a while, and realy love it. every song is good! it's one of their best albums! love me till the sun shines. what a joyously cool music trip!

...what the world needs now...
Old_Man Posted - 25/04/2009 : 12:41:45
Been listening to an old fave of mine recently from way back, Race With The Devil, by The Gun.
lemonade kid Posted - 24/04/2009 : 18:31:04
Originally posted by bob f.

Ten Years After's, " A Space In Time" CD. 1971.
I'd forgotten how good this is! rock on,.. and mellow out.

...what the world needs now...

Great band, bob. You know me, I love the 60's material even better. SSSSH was a trip throughout, along with that psychedelic of the trippiest covers of its day!!

Remember these tracks, guys?!!

"I don't know that you don't know my name"

"If you should love me"

Round up the usual suspects....
bob f. Posted - 24/04/2009 : 06:17:20
Ten Years After's, " A Space In Time" CD. 1971.
I'd forgotten how good this is! rock on,.. and mellow out.

...what the world needs now...
lemonade kid Posted - 23/04/2009 : 21:59:19
Pearls Before Swine

.......The Fugs

.................Holy Modal Rounders

Some cult hero classic psych-folk artists of great interest and who created a collection of some of the strangest, most creative, and most iconic music of the day...back in the mid 60's. Far Out!!

Any opportunity to meet/interview any of them, Rick? Did they make it to the West Coast much?

Round up the usual suspects....
lemonade kid Posted - 14/04/2009 : 23:26:14
Originally posted by bob f.

i just got a new vinyl "180 gram", " The Growing Concern" lp!
released in 1968 Mainstream, it's realy cool! stinging tremelo guitar and organ psych-pop- rock. A version of "Sit Down I Think I Love You", which is even different than The B. Springfield and The Mojo Men's! A great version of, " Mister You're A Better Man Than I", and mostly originals like, " Tomorrow Has Been Canceled" ( best title I heard this year).

...what the world needs now...

I've heard OF them but haven't heard them....thanks for the ref!

Round up the usual suspects....
bob f. Posted - 14/04/2009 : 03:19:44
i just got a new vinyl "180 gram", " The Growing Concern" lp!
released in 1968 Mainstream, it's realy cool! stinging tremelo guitar and organ psych-pop- rock. A version of "Sit Down I Think I Love You", which is even different than The B. Springfield and The Mojo Men's! A great version of, " Mister You're A Better Man Than I", and mostly originals like, " Tomorrow Has Been Canceled" ( best title I heard this year).

...what the world needs now...

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