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 Oar by Skip Spence

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goodfelladh Posted - 25/01/2008 : 22:21:40
Anybody else have the album 'Oar' by Skip Spence or ever have a chance to listen to it? I picked it up after being blown away by the first Moby Grape album and think this one is also fantastic. Skip plays all the instruments on the album and writes all of the songs... another one of those albums that has a great overall atmosphere/feel to it. I highly recommend it.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lemonade kid Posted - 21/04/2010 : 16:11:03
Originally posted by TJSAbass

Bought the Sundazed CD a while back and just now getting into it. The first track and "War in Peace" are blowing me away right now. "Grey/Afro" is kind of spooky. You can feel the bad craziness there. But "War in Peace" just has a great spring of '67 feel for me, right up there with the Springfield or whatever. I don't really like most of the Grape stuff I've heard either. I like Oar alot more.

OAR is just so innocent and pure. Just out of the asylum, I guess Skip had a burst of creation! Very primitive and...well... have you heard anything like it?

I don't know if we should be happy or sad that Sh
kip was slipped some bad ACID by the acid queen of New York...but Skip's gentle heart and mind was not made for such things....mostly SAD. Like Syd, some just weren't made for those times...or made to survive them. I never had any bad trips or side effects...lucky I guess.

Everybody's got something to hide 'cept for me and my monkey.
TJSAbass Posted - 21/04/2010 : 03:17:34
Bought the Sundazed CD a while back and just now getting into it. The first track and "War in Peace" are blowing me away right now. "Grey/Afro" is kind of spooky. You can feel the bad craziness there. But "War in Peace" just has a great spring of '67 feel for me, right up there with the Springfield or whatever. I don't really like most of the Grape stuff I've heard either. I like Oar alot more.
lemonade kid Posted - 16/04/2010 : 22:13:10
Skip was the MAN, guys.

One might say tragic, but what I've read about him, from a cop that knew him to friends down the years...he was always happy and smiling.
Even though troubled, he found a though your heart is breaking....

Everybody's got something to hide 'cept for me and my monkey.
stevieg Posted - 15/04/2010 : 22:49:55

Yes, I am one of the approximately 600 of the proud and dedicated.

Vinyl is still in shrink wrap. Also all other versions and releases which I have given away since the Sundazed CD is far better. Still have the vinyl though.

Also the tribute. "More Oar".

lemonade kid Posted - 03/02/2008 : 14:04:53
Originally posted by goodfelladh

Anybody else have the album 'Oar' by Skip Spence or ever have a chance to listen to it? I picked it up after being blown away by the first Moby Grape album and think this one is also fantastic. Skip plays all the instruments on the album and writes all of the songs... another one of those albums that has a great overall atmosphere/feel to it. I highly recommend it.

Excellent LP! I have a mint stereo LP. Beautiful cover, & eccentric but amazing music inside.
I don't think there is another set of songs quite like it. An amazing experience, start to finish!

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