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T O P I C    R E V I E W
John9 Posted - 22/07/2007 : 15:14:04

Just to let everyone know that on Saturday 21 July, Radio 4 broadcast 'California Dreaming' - an enthralling reflection on the mid 60s revolution in popular music that took place in and around Los Angeles. You can catch it for the next six days at 'Listen Again':

(You have to listen to the last few moments of the previous programme first.)The show takes the listener briefly through the frontier mentality and urban growth that had characterised LA during the 40s and 50s. Then we are straight into Laurel Canyon along with its alternative lifestyles and famous residents (though inexplicably they leave out Suzy Creamcheese!)The musical soundtrack is provided by The Byrds (extracts from three tracks), Buffalo Springfield, The Doors, CSN, Joni Mitchell and of course, The Mamas and Papas. There are also spoken contributions from Van Dyke Parkes and Judy Henske.

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