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Antispam question: What's Mr. Lee's Firstname?
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The Freedom Man Posted - 21/07/2005 : 22:32:47
Here's Mike's latest Diary which explains the next step...

Just press the link under this message and all will be fine!

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
waxburn Posted - 22/07/2005 : 15:15:41
racial insults? from the stage?
I love SHUGGIE OTIS, and i think he does gigs(blues) every so often. i know theyve(with arthur) played together in the past.
i recall that i was one of the first to sorta take arthur to task here for some of his comments,
dissing BRYAN MACLEAN from the stage, who is not here to defend himself. some poster, who i dont notice here anymore attacked me, saying no cds for me. so ok, no cds. full circle and then some.(whatever happend to the guy who used to be Arthurs spokesperson here? he wasnt nice
to me :-) )
anyways, i love the band and MIKE, i still maintain that it was the BEST LOVE ever, if you include the Johnny incarnation.
(never saw them nor have any cds of those shows, but if anyone want to send so I can verify........)

ps- no eddie van halen. please.
Judith Posted - 22/07/2005 : 15:13:28
Just tried again Mike-and it worked-thanks very much.
Judith Posted - 22/07/2005 : 15:11:41
Thanks Mike, tried that but last diary still comes up as 5th July-will keep on trying.
mikeb Posted - 22/07/2005 : 14:12:17
Judith - whenever I press the diary links posted I often do not get the latest diary linked. I then just reload/refresh the page and it always comes up. I believe it is because frequently visited pages are sometimes saved by your ISP for faster loading but if they have been updated you miss the update, there's another page I visit often that I reload every time I go there.
jimmyboy Posted - 22/07/2005 : 05:02:11
man,that MIKE is right on..I saw the Spaceland shows he mentioned..I heard the racial insults and everthing else on night #1 at Spaceland last year. i left early cuz he was actually SCARING me! they were a bit better the next night thanks to the Band. I always said Arthur needed them more than they needed him..this stuff about Shuggie Otis makes no sense as Mr Otis is in worse shape than Arthur..As a musical hero I still have good feelings toward Arthur but as a human being, he's a big jerk who seems to live in a Fantasy land of rock dreams but he;s not the King of Sunset Strip anymore. he cannot do it alone..I wouldn't cross the street to see an "ARTHUR LEE" solo show because i know it would be a total disaster but a "LOVE BAND FEATURING JOHN ECHOLS" would be a professional, inspiring and awesome evening of live music played by musicians
who leave ego and all B.S. behind.
Judith Posted - 22/07/2005 : 00:25:30
Tina, can you help again-last entry is July 5th when I use this link. Thankyou.

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