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T O P I C    R E V I E W
The Freedom Man Posted - 20/07/2005 : 19:13:28
Here's the latest Diary with more revealing writings!!!

Just press the link under this message.

Bye for now,
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
paddieu Posted - 22/07/2005 : 01:19:49
First off, well done to Mike for those last 2 entries... Very brave. Wish we
cud do more to support you. Wud you all accept donations of any kind ?

Second, I dont think the issue is abt being drunk/junk. If you read
Clarke's book there's similar underlying nastinesses that dont seem
to be drug-related..

Of course the drink/junk makes it worse, but it's not a cause in
itself. I used to get to p...d off hearing criticisms of Garcia becos
of his habits, when people had no idea of the burdens he had to
carry till it was too late...

The issue is not the substances, but the nasty ****, for me anyway.
You can be into substances and still treat people ok.

{yeah I know some will rip people off to get their stash. that IS
substance-led. But basic human behaviour... that's something

If AL got treatment it wud have to address those deeper issues,
or else coming off of stuff makes no real difference...

I meself wud very much like to know abt AL's childhood, and
how much that may play a part.

waxburn Posted - 21/07/2005 : 17:45:33
not the first rock legend to be a drunk/junkie , it sort of comes with the territory, actually.
i just hope he isn't in prison or ends up there again.
caryne Posted - 21/07/2005 : 15:18:41
Perhaps, John, he may be remembered as both..he, sadly, would not be the first 'rock legend' who was also a drunk/junkie.
John E Posted - 21/07/2005 : 14:43:01
Now that we have an even clearer picture of the circumstances, I wish I'd been able to give the band more support on this tour. Unfortunately due to cancellations and a bad cold, I only made one show. Meanwhile, I really hope Arthur can sort himself out. I'd still like to think that he will one day be remembered as a rock hero, rather than a sad drunk/junkie (or whatever). Love, John E
caryne Posted - 21/07/2005 : 14:39:44
Yep, Mike P, that message really did say exactly what you thought it did...when all is said and done it's an awful situation for people to be in and I, for one, am amazed that the band not only managed to complete the tour but did it so damn well too.
MikeP Posted - 21/07/2005 : 02:45:18
Mike, when the Message From The Love Band post mentioned the phone calls, it was one of those occasions when I read between the lines, really not wanting to be right, but was. The guy REALLY, REALLY needs help. You guys deserve a damn good rest, some damned good money and many, many, pats on the back. Here's mine.
Judith Posted - 20/07/2005 : 22:49:53
That's better, thanks very much Tina
Tina Posted - 20/07/2005 : 22:30:15

Try this link!!
Judith Posted - 20/07/2005 : 22:12:20
Am I missing something here or is the last diary 5th July!!
ladylove Posted - 20/07/2005 : 21:39:00
If I've said it once, I'll say it again -- Mike is one classy guy. His words were obviously chosen very carefully. It's kismet that Johnny came back when he did, now LOVE can continue with the authenticity of its co-founder. I knew them back in the 60-70s, so I have my doubts as to whether JE and AL can co-exist under the present circumstances. Isn't it incredible how the Universe keeps offering experiences to allow us to explore new ways -- Forever Changes

Congratulations on your choice to experience the challenge put in front of you, guys, and WELCOME HOME!!

waxburn Posted - 20/07/2005 : 21:13:05
(i dont see how arthur expects to get paid for gigs he didnt play tho)
SignedRW Posted - 20/07/2005 : 21:12:14
Thanks to Mike for being upfront and honorable enough to post the sad truth (and I don't doubt for a second that there's all kinds of stuff
even uglier than the threatening phone messages).
And thanks to the band as a whole for stepping up and making the most of a bad situation. Not only
do you guys have our respect as a great band, and
for your stellar musicianship, but also for being
a major class act individually; good, solid guys, every one. As sad as it is to see an individual
whose work you've loved and respected for decades, end up in place where he feels compelled to attack those who have been there in support more than any others could ever have been, you ultimately have to
realize and accept that some problems can only really be solved and made right by the person with
the problem. I don't think this is one of those
"Whose side on you on things" as much as a sad
story that only one individual can ever really make
right. If possible. Certainly hope the band stays together and moves ahead with new projects;
clearly, there's plenty of support and appreciation
for them and their work.
Allan Posted - 20/07/2005 : 20:40:46

caryne Posted - 20/07/2005 : 20:15:11
Says it all really. Let's just hope Mike and the rest of the band, including Johnny, can just keep on what they're doing, I want to see them all back here soon.

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