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 Will Arthur Lee......

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
JohnFPorcaro Posted - 19/07/2005 : 16:29:25
be on the American tour
If he is in rehab, he should be clean by then.
I'm glad the guys are doing good without him, & I've
grown to really love these guys, but I want to see Arthur.
I hope the band let's us know soon what's the story.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
caryne Posted - 19/07/2005 : 20:42:08
The dates 'may' be accurate, they are just not 100% confirmed yet.

I think the rehab thing may just, sadly, be wishful thinking.
JohnFPorcaro Posted - 19/07/2005 : 19:07:37
Originally posted by caryne

As yet there are no definite dates for the US tour so don't book anything yet. That's not saying there aren't any dates, just hold fire for now.
It is highly unlikely, I would say, that Arthur will be on any dates anywhere in the foreseeable future....any change and this information will be posted here.
Finally, not sure where the 'rehab' story has come from but I'm pretty sure it isn't true...more's the pity.

The 'rehab' story came from some posts I read.
markk Posted - 19/07/2005 : 18:24:15
Are you saying that the new US tour dates added 7/19 on this website are not accurate?
caryne Posted - 19/07/2005 : 16:45:01
As yet there are no definite dates for the US tour so don't book anything yet. That's not saying there aren't any dates, just hold fire for now.
It is highly unlikely, I would say, that Arthur will be on any dates anywhere in the foreseeable future....any change and this information will be posted here.
Finally, not sure where the 'rehab' story has come from but I'm pretty sure it isn't true...more's the pity.

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