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 Love / Arthur Lee
 totally let down!!!

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mark Posted - 16/07/2005 : 20:36:37
ive noticed that the portsmouth gig was the only one cancelled, which i was due to attend with my parents and was replaced by one in devon. any explanation because i am extremely annoyed and let down as the venue told me arthur was in rehab.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Judith Posted - 17/07/2005 : 01:48:20
I'd also booked for Cambridge and wasn't told by venue until the night before, when I received an email. Knew of the cancellation though thanks to messages on this board and made Frome which was superb.
caryne Posted - 16/07/2005 : 23:28:01
Shrewsbury cancelled (poor ticket sales due to it being Live 8) and Cambridge and Portsmouth has already been stated, the latter two both chose to cancel because Arthur wasn't on the was nothing to do with the band, purely the choice of the venue/promotor. Luckily, for many others, at very short notice replacement gigs were arranged in Darlington, which was a total success and Ilfracombe (of which stuff has been posted elsewhere). I am sorry that you missed the show in Cambridge, but it wasn't the fault of the band. Just try and ensure that you can see them when they return, even without Arthur (who is not, to my knowledge, in 'rehab') they are a great live act who need to be seen
sheilab Posted - 16/07/2005 : 23:18:02
Mark i was told at the Devon (Ilfracombe) gig that the Portsmouth venue decided to cancel because Arthur Lee wasn't with Love. It's a real shame as there must have been many others like you who were looking forward to it. Ilfracome was only slotted in last minute after Portsmouth cancelled.

John E Posted - 16/07/2005 : 22:33:52
Hi Mark,
I believe it was the venues themselves that chose whether to accept the band without Arthur. This was unfortunate for me, too...Cambridge, which I was going to was also cancelled. I was also hoping to come to Portsmouth. The London show was postponed, so I missed it, because I had already booked for something else. In the end, the only show that I managed to catch was Frome.
All the best, John E

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