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 Love / Arthur Lee
 Please video the encores !

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paddieu Posted - 13/07/2005 : 15:33:56
Hi folks !

Glad u r having so much fun - both band and thee deserve it !

There was much to enjoy in Frome. However the encores - especially the first 2 - put the gig on another level altogether.

The sheer emotion of Signed DC, with everyone gathered upfront almost like a funeral oration, for Johnnys singing, Dave's harp playing etc, was so very very real that it will remain with me forever.

Likewise the angry catharsis of Cant Explain which followed on - 'gonna wake up in the morning and find your poor self dead' - was incredibly powerful too.

These 2 songs as they are right now NEED to be filmed for Love history.

I am really sorry to say I failed to do so - because I hadnt loaded the tape into the camera - duh ! and because I was just so transfixed I could barely think straight.

I would like to add that I have filmed parts of several Love shows over recent times, and also asked for and got Arthur/band's permission from the promoter/venue manager before doing so. [Numerous other bands and acts too.]

So I dont think it woulld be any different for the next 2 shows.

If anyone can heed this plea, I am sure not only myself but history itself would be very grateful.

Paddy Ladd
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
paddieu Posted - 16/07/2005 : 03:01:25
oh well doooone to the nice sensible, caring, history-minded people

just fingers crossed on those 2 songs themselves -

that they came out all right
boombox Posted - 15/07/2005 : 09:39:58
Originally posted by Love

Just to let you both know the London Islington gig was filmed last night, so look out for its release!!!

I can hardly wait! << nearest I can find to a drool smilie!
Love Posted - 15/07/2005 : 08:44:14
Just to let you both know the London Islington gig was filmed last night, so look out for its release!!!
boombox Posted - 15/07/2005 : 01:08:06
Thanks for your mail rogb, but I can't mail you back - keep getting:Remote host said: 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable. Can't send mail via system here either.

Please mail me back and give me a different addy to reply to.

(MODS: I know this isn't exactly about the show, but it's the thread we communicated about , or at least tried to!!)
boombox Posted - 14/07/2005 : 00:27:09
I think everyone who been to these shows would agree with you. If anyone out there has recordings of the tour (especially Oxford and Frome - the 2 I attended), please pm me and tell me who I have to beat over the head to get a copy!!

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