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 Exeter - gig report

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Mosquito Posted - 13/07/2005 : 02:06:11
Hi Folks
just got back from the gig, and what a killer it was.

My second time seeing the band, the first being Canterbury Fayre two years ago, which ranks in my top 3 gigs ever.

I only read the news that Arthur was a no-show on this board last night and, of course, it was a bummer (in the summer) to read that. But that's life. Was I gonna get a refund on my ticket? *** off. How else could I get so much fun for £15.

Anyway, it was a great gig tonight. Very intimate, quite a small venue, but a good sized happy crowd.

I think a few of the posts regarding Johny's involvement have been a bit unfair. I think he played a blinder tonight. We mustn't forget that he has formed a tight fully formed band with lead and rhythm guitarists. Their arrangements don't leave much space for him. That said, to his credit he was able to play sme nice little licks over the top of Mike Randle, and indeed Mike let Johny solo on a good few of the songs. And, yes, he can still play - wow!!

Revelation was a treat. Will they play it on the next tour? I'm guessing it was a one off, so I'm glad I got the chance to hear it. Whether the song tonight was anything like the jam they played in 66-67, I don't know, but it was a fun piece, including bits of GLORIA and other snatches of songs. Nice harp solo.

And wasn't Hey Joe haunting, with Johny on vocals. A highlight for me - I was standing at his feet, leaning on the monitor.

THE highlight, though, was meeting him after the show and getting him to sign my setlist (course I got one!)

Anyway, what a fab night!!! Biggest regret is that my wife, another Love fan, had to stay home with the kids. Isn't she gonna be jealous when she wakes up to my beaming face tomorrow morning!
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kula John Posted - 18/07/2005 : 13:17:11
The exeter gig was only my 2nd time seeing the band (my 1st being at the bierkeller in bristol a few months back)...the gig was fantastic, the band were just brilliant. Rusty's vocals were impeccable and the band just seemed to be enjoying it so was an absolute pleasure to watch. Highlights for me were johnny's vocals on signed dc, she comes in colours, you set the scene and old man sang beautifully by rusty. I just can't wait for the next british tour. The venue in exeter was quite a bit smaller than i expected but did not disappoint as it was very intimate and created the perfect atmosphere for the gig.

A big thanks to the band for a truly great performance in difficult circumstances, these guys clearly love what they do and i for one will support them always.

This is the time and this is the time and it is time, time, time, time, time, time, time.....
Mosquito Posted - 13/07/2005 : 17:06:57
Sorry gang, my mistake. I didn't mean Hey Joe, I meant Signed DC. It was a bit late when I wrote that, and I wasn't exactly err sober.

The harp solos I was referring to were in Signed DC and Revelation, both courtesy of Daddy-o.

caryne Posted - 13/07/2005 : 09:06:34
You are right, sadly, no 'Hey Joe' at Frome...neither was there a 'harp solo'...but looking forward to seeing it next time
torben Posted - 13/07/2005 : 08:49:15
As far as I know, they didn't play Hey Joe at Frome
ilockyer Posted - 13/07/2005 : 08:42:01
Great gig, probably the best I've seen the band in 6-7 shows that I've seen. Good crowd too, everyone seemed up for it and had a great time. Highlights for me were Revelations, Comes In Colours, My Little Red Book, and of course the great encore with Signed DC (great vocals from Johnny), the best version of Can't Explain I've ever heard and a blistering 7 and 7 Is. Anyone that has the chance to see them really should.

I know I'll be going back in October, Arthur or not.
Mosquito Posted - 13/07/2005 : 02:21:41
Same setlist as Frome I should add - which has already been scanned in.

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