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 Falmouth show last night

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Kelly Posted - 12/07/2005 : 11:08:25
Well what can I say...? I guess I just have to reiterate what eveyone has said about the previous shows without Arthur... Last night was absolutely fantastic! I have seen Love 3 times now and this show was definitely on par if not better than the last one. Sure it's a shame that Arthur wasn't there but to be honest the rest of the guys more than made up for it and I barely noticed.

I also brought three friends who were love virgins with me and they were very impressed and bought cds afterwards and everything. It was so great to hear so many songs off Da Capo too (loved Dave's harmonica).

Also, great to talk to the band afterwards, lovely guys - and they said thankyou a lot for coming - but just to make it clear, I didn't come to the gig out of charity or anything, I just knew they were worth seeing and could pull it off.

Hope to see you guys in the UK again very soon, with or without Arthur.

Kelly x x
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lurch57 Posted - 17/07/2005 : 15:23:48
I can only agree with the previous comments. Well , they are my brother and his wife . I went down with them from Devon for the Falmouth gig , and it was superb . Have seen the boys three times before ,with Arthur , but at the moment they are cooking . Whatever happens to Arthur , and we all hope for the best , this music should not be allowed to die . I for one will be at the front of the queue for any further gigs within my reach . What more can I say - great guys and a fine night out . I turned down a partial refund too - because I didn't feel they short changed me . See you next time guys - we want you back !

Love Posted - 12/07/2005 : 20:36:12
I can only go along with what everyone else is saying. The Band are fantastic and really playing at their best. We had a great night in Frome and thought nothing could top that...then we went to Falmouth with some friends who have never been to see LOVE before and they were blown away, so much so that some of them are going to Exeter tonight! (sadly we had to return to London today for something minor called work tomorrow). Rusty thanked everyone several times for coming, but I would like to say a big THANK YOU to them for continuing with the tour, under what must have been (and still are)very difficult circumstances.

If you decide not to go, then you are missing something very special. We could have got a partial refund in Falmouth, but decided not to as it sort of felt like we would be taking the money from the band.

Word seems to be spreading too. I don't know about anyone else, but I think the Guys are doing such a great job that it won't be long before we have trouble getting tickets ourselves!

Hope you all have amazing nights in Exeter and Ilfracombe and see you in London on Thursday

Chris & Wendy
Allan Posted - 12/07/2005 : 16:24:51
Kelly-such a nice, positive post! You seem to echo what everyone else is saying. Being back here in the States, I sure hope the band has some kind of tour for us. It's great reading all these good vibes-Thank you


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