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 Message from The Love Band

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
torben Posted - 11/07/2005 : 18:52:33
Message from The Love Band
They want to thank everyone for coming to the shows and want to tell you all how appreciative they are of every single person who has turned up, unaware of what has been happening, and decided to stay. It has been noticed that, throughout the tour, more and more people have been staying for the shows as 'word has got out' about why it is worth staying.

The band want to also remind people back home in LA that they will not be home until after 20th July so if you have any messages for them please do not call their home numbers until then.

Mike would also like to remind people that leaving harrassing messages is a felony. Hint, hint.

They hope everyone can make the rescheduled London gig on Thursday and the gigs in Devon and Cornwall the rest of this week.

The details of the US tour will be announced within a few weeks as some of the venues may be switched. Watch this space for further announcements.

Everybody be Safe

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
caryne Posted - 13/07/2005 : 09:02:43
Sadly, not everyone seems quite so happy that the band have had a fantastic tour and received great support all around the UK. As I said before, they feel so pleased that everyone has been so great at all the shows and really intend to come back soon
MikeP Posted - 13/07/2005 : 02:20:38
How and who?? The mind boggles. The band had no choice but to pick up a ball - or lead weight - that had bee dropped and have managed to run with it, and have done so very well. Good luck to them.
jazzy mary Posted - 12/07/2005 : 16:55:54
Thanks Caryne and Torben. I'll be looking for the updates. How could anyone send an harrassing e-mail to Mike???!! He's such a great cat! That's shameful.
caryne Posted - 11/07/2005 : 18:55:26
Mike asked me to send the above message to Torben, so any typing or grammatical errors are mine not Torben's or Mikes. Sorry, it's not worded brilliantly but I think everyone will get the message of how pleased the entire band are with all the support they have received over the last few weeks. Sometimes it's hard for words to say enough

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