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admin Posted - 05/07/2005 : 11:23:45
I have removed the topic Liverpool Gig because of the reasons given in topic: A word about how to behave on this board
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jesse981 Posted - 14/12/2005 : 11:21:06
Originally posted by Alex

The band were great in Liverpool. Go and see them if you can

Why do u do this to us?

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arthur lee the legend Posted - 08/08/2005 : 12:10:51
my fault.... wow didnt think i had said anythin wrong... my bad not here to start fights..... sorry kids

"my love she comes in colours, you can tell her from the clothes she wears"
TheElephantMan Posted - 13/07/2005 : 20:34:04
"surely you arnt all arguin???"

I think it was your fault actually. ;)

arthur lee the legend Posted - 13/07/2005 : 14:12:04
i agree to the max that the concert was amazing regardless of arthurs absence... the first thread has been removed with my comment on so i thought i would say it again "SQUEEZEBOX... NO ONE CAN REPLACE ARTHUR... BUT DAM U DID A GOOD JOB"
why was the first thread taken off?? surely you arnt all arguin???

"my love she comes in colours, you can tell her from the clothes she wears"
graeme Posted - 11/07/2005 : 15:04:20
yeah,thanks for that lookin forward to the shows...its london first though.....ta for the heads up...nice one..........
ALLANAGAIN Posted - 08/07/2005 : 13:41:37
Graeme, this will cheer you up mate, SHACK are playing LIVERPOOL on 26th Sept. and LONDON the next night at Islington
graeme Posted - 07/07/2005 : 14:12:27
i wont,but he`s just gaggin to be ripped to shreds again.............
admin Posted - 07/07/2005 : 11:44:06
Now, please don't start again!
graeme Posted - 07/07/2005 : 11:06:29
have a word admin,this guy is a troublemaker............
Originally posted by TheElephantMan

"you missed seeing John Head from legendary Shack"

He was REALLY good. Pity his brother Dick couldn't be there.


graeme Posted - 07/07/2005 : 10:05:02
surely you mean Mick,that woulda more than doubled the class on stage....................
TheElephantMan Posted - 07/07/2005 : 00:36:21
"you missed seeing John Head from legendary Shack"

He was REALLY good. Pity his brother Dick couldn't be there.

no fear Posted - 06/07/2005 : 00:17:55
Have just found this forum and am curious as to what the topics removed were suggesting.
I too was at Liverpool gig & have to agree with majority of reports of the tour - that it was great
All credit to the band but also to the dedicated ones who stayed and helped create a really good atmosphere for a hangover on a sunday night. If you were one of those who left you missed seeing John Head from legendary Shack (when is new album out from them?)performing House is not a Motel - nice one for that!
Rest of the gig was loads of fun too and the band definitely got more of a chance to shine
Arthur was still missed though - lets hope he sorts himself out and gets on the road again - Liverpool would like to see him again
TheElephantMan Posted - 06/07/2005 : 00:08:45
"Chutes too narrow - Class LP by the way"

We agree about something!

pie head Posted - 05/07/2005 : 23:53:11
Board wars -

"Down on the BoardWar (alk) they're getting ready for a fight" "gonna see what them Shacknet boys can do"...Springsteen - Atlantic City. Shins - Chutes too narrow - Class LP by the way

willow Posted - 05/07/2005 : 23:49:36
simple question


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