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Antispam question: What's Mr. Lee's Firstname?
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
torben Posted - 04/07/2005 : 11:55:28
Dear friends of LOVE,
As you may or may not know, Arthur is not on the current U.K./Europe tour.
This put the band (including original LOVE guitarist Johnny Echols)
and LOVE's management and Promoters in a very bad position. Unfortunately,
due to advance costs (bus, airfare, etc)and deposits the band really had no
alternative BUT to do this tour. With the exception of one cancellation
(Shrewsbury, July 2, due to Live 8's effect on ticket sales) and one gig
being moved (Cambridge to Darlington, July 5 at the Forum, 8pm £10,
01325363135,, all the
other venues have stood behind us, knowing that we LOVE playing the music for
you and relish the opportunity to play songs from the cat5alog that havn't
been performed in years. Your support means everything to us and we look
forward to seeing you at one of these shows, God willing and if the creek
doesn't rise!

with Love,
The Red Telephone

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