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 Love / Arthur Lee
 Strange Sensation in the States...!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
oldfartatplay Posted - 24/04/2005 : 23:11:27
For LarryNYC and all other Love'sters on the other side of the pond - The mighty Robert Plant and his brilliant band Strange Sensation are about to start their US tour soon.(Two nights at The Beacon Theatre in NYC Larry - June 26/27th).As probably the world's highest profile Love fan,Robert will no doubt feature a Love cover in the set somewhere (Their 'A House is Not a Motel'at Glasto a couple of years ago was stunning).A band not to be missed - Justin Adams and Skin on guitars are awesome ,and the rest of the band have definitely had a few lessons!The details of the tour are on Robert's web-site -

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