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 Love / Arthur Lee

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Antispam question: What's Mr. Lee's Firstname?
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
LOVESHACK Posted - 12/04/2005 : 01:44:38
Wonderfull. Met folk from here and SHACKNET for the first time at the gig. Spot on. Oi Keith, thought ye would be there. See ye next time.

The band get better and better.

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Scottishkeith Posted - 16/04/2005 : 11:14:52
Hey Tina that's also my brother birthday.
Tina Posted - 15/04/2005 : 23:39:49
Hey 27-11 is my birthday!!

Now you've all got no excuse for not sending me a card next year
27-11 Posted - 15/04/2005 : 21:58:16
First Love gig tonight. Hadn't heard much of their stuff before hand, but thought I'd go along and see a cult legend. Well worth it. Great, great band and I'm definitely a convert. Only caught the last 5 mins of Primary 5.......any good?
LOVESHACK Posted - 12/04/2005 : 14:59:58
I would have been going through masel but there is e wee question of Hibs humping Hearts at Tynecastle the same night !!!!
Scottishkeith Posted - 12/04/2005 : 11:31:53
Going to Glasgow Loveshack!!

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