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 Love / Arthur Lee
 The Robin, Wolverhampton, two day ago

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
newcomer Posted - 08/04/2005 : 16:23:05

Hi all,

This isnt really a review, just a quick note about the gig...

In a few words: f***ing brilliant!!!

They played long and good, with some amazing extended versions of classics like A house... or She comes in colours. Arthur was briliant, energetic and powerful until the end. John Echols, a big expectation that night I reckon, was great too. He was playing a bit of a secondary role in the band, but when he was under the spotlight (an amazing solo at the end of Signed D.C., another at the end when Arthur was introducing the musicians) he showed the quality of a master. The rest of the band are great musucians, and they give a bit of a rockier, almost punk edge to some Love classics that really kept everybody (especialy the younger audience) asking for more. The finished and they left, and left the audience sreaming for more.
An awesome gig, probably with not the easiest audience (some guys shouting between songs, trying very hard to be funny, but not really a competition enough with Arthur Lee to steal the show).
The first time I see them, and if I run I could still go to Nottingham on the weekend...
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lizzyb Posted - 08/04/2005 : 17:23:58

just do it

go to nottingham too

nice venue (not as user-friendly as robin, i think it's exceptional)

or what about leeds tonight? virgin train?

Keep on shining

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