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 Love / Arthur Lee
 Stables, Milton Keynes, July

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Antispam question: What's Mr. Lee's Firstname?
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
caryne Posted - 06/04/2005 : 15:20:14
Just looked at the website for this venue and noticed the tickets are a staggering £25, is that usual for that's much more than any other Love gig I've ever been to.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Martin Pravda Posted - 13/06/2005 : 17:06:05
Yeah, it was about £19 last time i think, but its a nice venue. Im going, see you (who ever is going?) there!
rob304 Posted - 12/05/2005 : 14:18:11
the show at cambridge junction on 5 july is £16.50...
John E Posted - 06/04/2005 : 21:22:13
Hi Caryne, All you really need to remember here is that every other Love ticket is a phenomenal bargain, and that a Brian Wilson ticket can cost up to £70 including the booking fee! Love, John E
SteveLB Posted - 06/04/2005 : 21:00:36
Yes, £25 is about average for the Stables. It's also impossible to attend by public transport and has the ambience of an old peoples home.

Though I only live about fifteen miles away from it I shall go to Islington instead.

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