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 Love / Arthur Lee
 Magic Moments

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Antispam question: What's Mr. Lee's Firstname?
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Lizzyb Posted - 16/11/2006 : 15:31:51
one of mine was in Nottingham when Arthur's guitar strap came off and the band was trying to get it fixed, when he piped up in a falsetto something about 'get these men off me'. wish there was a photo or recording somewhere.

what about your magic concert moments?

Keep on shining
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MikeP Posted - 18/11/2006 : 00:55:14
Sheffield '04, towards the end of a fine gig, my favourite magic moment and memory of the man is non-musical. He whipped off his (needless) bandana, dropped on one knee and 'machine-gunned' myself and the rest of the front row with his guitar with such a mischievous expression, one that said "I'm in control".. and he was. In that instant I was able to look straight into his eyes and seemingly unlined face, and there in front of me was not the Arthur Lee of 2004, but the Arthur Lee of the back cover of 'Vindicator', the one who had first drawn me to his music over thirty years previously. It was as if time had fleetingly just slipped away.
Though I never got to meet him and thank him for music that I will always carry in me, I'm content just to have exchanged grins with him fron beneath his mikestand, and to have experieced vintage performances from close quarters, but I am grateful above all for that moment in time. Robert Louis Stevenson wrote, 'each a glimpse ..and gone forever'. The sight may have gone, but the memory has not. I will treasure it for as long as I am granted.
bob f. Posted - 18/11/2006 : 00:19:42
a lucky one, i am, to have seen LOVE in '66-67 at Hullubaloo in Hollywood. i remember(as much as i could!) Arthur Lee stepping to the edge of the stage on Signed DC and turning us all on!

...what the world needs now...
jellybean Posted - 17/11/2006 : 11:23:04
and great memories they are, i'm so glad I managed to squish as many love gigs in over the past few years as they seem all that more memorable now
ALLANAGAIN Posted - 17/11/2006 : 08:35:02
so many great love memories...seeing Arthur for the 1st time in 1992, with Shack as his backing band.
the great show in June 20002 at the R,F,H, in LONDON....Of the 10 shows after that, Brighton in 2004 was absoloutley beatiful.
and the last London show at the rocket, thye all nighter.
It feels a bit sad remembering theese shows, but a beeter band i,ve never seen.
bob f. Posted - 17/11/2006 : 00:39:36
for me, it's May 1st 2002 at The Knitting Factory in Hollywood, Ca.
only Lee's 2nd performance since freedom, and band launches into Little Red Book, Lee's tambourine was saying I'M FREE, and we were all excited and happy!
- then at the Wilshire Ebell with the Zombies, Arthur was hilarious when he was mimicking Colin Blunstone's slick finger-snapping style!
now THAT'S entertainment!

...what the world needs now...
Aake Posted - 17/11/2006 : 00:17:08
First show with strings and horns goes for everyone I think,for me it was the Stockholm 2002.
I know there is A tape of Rock City Nottingham 2003.

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