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 reviews of Whisky A Go-Go please!!!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bigrubberglove Posted - 29/06/2006 : 14:38:46
Would love to hear about last night!
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Merlyn Merlot Posted - 09/07/2006 : 18:05:55
I completely agree with your review Rockstar

Here's half of your set list request

Alone Again Or
House Is Not A Motel
Daily Planet
Old Man
My Little Red Book
Can't Explain
Red Telephone
Between Clark and Hilldale
Live and Let Live
Good Humor Man He Sees Everything
You Set The Scene

Signed DC
Orange Skies
Your Mind And We Belong Together
Seven and Seven Is
rockstar Posted - 06/07/2006 : 08:06:11
One of the best shows I’ve seen in a long time. Baby Lemonade performed the material as can only be done by accomplished musicians who have played all the nuances of those compositions many times on tour. It was very moving. Rusty Squeezebox sings some of those songs perfectly, and the drummer Daddy-o Green took no prisoners. I came to see Vince and the Invincebles and the original guys from Love, Johnny and Michael playing again together but now I’m a fan of Baby Lemonade too.
The Invincebles have some fine original songs, especially the first song of the second set. I don’t know what it is called. Does anyone have a set list from both bands? They also played Can’t Explain, and an arrangement of Bummer in The Summer with Johnny Echols that was excellent but the vocals were buried.
The monitors had plenty of headroom to raise the vocals. I stood behind the sound guy while he fumbled around trying to locate the unlabeled lead voice pot. He referred to headphones to hunt for the mics. Colored tape on each mike stand would have been a better way. The board engineer gets a C- for not putting the vocals up more, not adding some low end eq, and not adding any reverb to the vocals.
I heard the Invincebles had some problems and missed sound check, which is not a good sign. Don’t know what happened there or why Vince demolished the mikes. He and the Invincebles were bounding about the stage like molecules when they collided but kept playing from the stage floor during Long Tall Sally sung little Richard style by Willie Chambers. Their cranked Marshalls sounded awesome and Baby Lemonade was the perfect contrast. The whole show deserves to play to a bigger venue than the Whisky, like the Greek Theatre.

Old_Man Posted - 29/06/2006 : 22:33:35
Wish I could have been there.
thenewguy Posted - 29/06/2006 : 18:50:35
Originally posted by The Freedom Man

Here's Mike Randle's Diary/Review from last night's show.


Mike forgot to mention that Bryan Maclean's mother (who is also Maria McKee's mother), Elizabeth, was sitting next to me for the show, and singing along with all the songs. The band also took a moment to point her out.
The Freedom Man Posted - 29/06/2006 : 18:23:14

Here's Mike Randle's Diary/Review from last night's show.


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