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 My dog loves you

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Barber John Posted - 18/09/2004 : 19:59:45
When my wife and I are in separate rooms my dog always chooses to sit with her.
The only exception to this rule has been when I have been listening to Gram Parsons, my dog loves Gram.
Today whilst listening to Mikes 'My Music Loves You' he joined me. Next played Jeff Buckley and off he went back to his mistress. Put Mike back on and he returned.
No idea if there is a moral to this story.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Barber John Posted - 15/10/2004 : 02:48:00
My dog had a serious accident on the carpet this evening
I was listening to Olivia Tremor Control at the time.
Let this be a warning to all dog owners out there
Scottishkeith Posted - 21/09/2004 : 17:18:11
Why don't you just play Frank Zappa?

I'm sure that would clear both cats and dogs out the room,
gordo Posted - 21/09/2004 : 13:30:32
I wonder if anybody has ever put the sound of a fork on a plate or a ring pull on a tin of cat food on a record?

That would have cats running into the room, for sure.
Barber John Posted - 21/09/2004 : 12:08:29

Not so sure. At the end of Pet Sounds, the bit with the train and the dog, my dog goes into a terrible state. Shaking and hallowing. If there are some hidden messages they are certainly calming.
Apparently at the end of Sgt Pepper there is a dog whistle that only they can hear. I have so far resisted playing this to my mutt.
gordo Posted - 21/09/2004 : 10:42:44
how do you know Mike didn't record the sound of a dog whistle throughout the album?

Now that's an idea for subliminal advertsing
ocfan Posted - 19/09/2004 : 20:59:11
Mike's heart indeed shows in his music. Soothing to the soul. Amazing that he can be so talented in different genre's. Dogs love to love you, do they not. Mike's true spirit shows in his music. Your puppy has excellen taste. Mike is a special guy with an incredible gift and absolutely has no ego. Only brings joy to his fans.

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