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 Beer and Fish.......Diary

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Antispam question: What's Mr. Lee's Firstname?
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
The Freedom Man Posted - 14/09/2004 : 22:05:47
Lotsa Beer & Lotsa BIG fish at the latest Diray!
Check it out at the latest Diary at


10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
caryne Posted - 16/09/2004 : 17:19:18
Yes, he's a fine figure of a man!
Gill Posted - 16/09/2004 : 17:07:21
No not my kind of thing either - nothing to do with vegan or vegetarianism, they just don't appeal to me! Fine photo of Daddyo though!

LarryNYC Posted - 16/09/2004 : 10:13:00
Embarrased Bass lol
Barber John Posted - 16/09/2004 : 09:50:03
Feathered fish!!
caryne Posted - 16/09/2004 : 08:57:16
Originally posted by Lizzyb

what kind of fish are they?

look nice - the redheads of the fish world

Keep on shining

I think they might have looked nicer swimming in the sea (remember I'm a vegan)
Lizzyb Posted - 15/09/2004 : 22:29:54
what kind of fish are they?

look nice - the redheads of the fish world

Keep on shining
bigrubberglove Posted - 15/09/2004 : 17:23:43
Yes, there indeed is a resemblance to Jet Black who at age 65 has been the band's drummer for 30 years and continues to play well!
gordo Posted - 15/09/2004 : 10:58:50
Is it just me or is Daddyo slowly(or is it quickly) evolving into Jet Black of the Stranglers(who is the first Punk Rock penisoner incidentally). It don't look there's any peaches to look at, on that beach
LarryNYC Posted - 15/09/2004 : 07:18:47
That was Daddyo Caryl Love's drummer
caryl Posted - 15/09/2004 : 04:25:05
Who was that man???
I mean with the fish? and where was the picture taken?

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