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 Love / Arthur Lee
 General Discussions about Arthur Lee and Love
 sept 11th 2001

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jim Posted - 11/09/2004 : 10:45:37
Hi all,i have my own views on what happend on this day but thats not for here,however as Love are one of many groups that i like which are about love/peace i thought it worthy of mentioning the 1000s that died on this day & since.I for one will light a candle & play some music in my own way to remember.
hope nobody minds about this post.
love to all jim.iow
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ocfan Posted - 11/09/2004 : 19:23:12
Larry, I pray for your city and all of America. What a bizarre time we live in. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could "all just LOVE one another?"
LarryNYC Posted - 11/09/2004 : 13:25:58
As you can well imagine the tv is full of it today, its only 7:15 am here as I write and already its spread over 4 or 5 channels that I've seen. I wont watch any of the tributes but will remember things in my own way. Just about to watch Aston Vills V Chelsea live a rare occurance here. Later I'll probably watch Tim Henman play the semi final of the US Open.
It will be a very difficult day for thousands in this city.
caryne Posted - 11/09/2004 : 13:23:03
As Gill says, many thousands of innocent people have died for all sorts of unjusts reasons over the years and, obviously, even more recently in Russia...I remember them all by doing what I can to try and ensure such events do not happen again. Love to all people who have lost loved ones in such tragic ways.
Gill Posted - 11/09/2004 : 11:12:16
No matter what your opinions on politics, religion, war etc nothing can hid the fact that so many innocent people died on this day 3 years ago, as well as many other times in history, so maybe today is a day to remember all of them.


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