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 LOVE Collection

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
The Freedom Man Posted - 09/09/2004 : 19:57:04
I was wondering, maybe everybody saw my LOVE Collection at my "LOVE Goodies" page, what other people have in their LOVE Collection..........??
I know not everybody is as crazy as I am, I collect EVERYTHING, like recordings, flyers, posters, photo's etc etc...
So, what's in YOUR Collection?


6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jim Posted - 10/09/2004 : 13:54:00
Not much of a collection but i have the following.

Original 7inchs Your mind & we belong together/Laughing stock
Alone again or/Bummer in the summer
Orange skies/She comes in colours
Softly to me/The castle

Original LPs Love
Four Sail

Plus Da Capo,Forever changes & a 1973 Best of LP
also a signed picture of Arthur.
regards jim.
caryne Posted - 09/09/2004 : 21:37:22
Mine's pretty dull really, apart from records, of's ticket stubs, setlists, guitar picks also.....mind you I also have pages and pages of Mike's 'beautifully' handwritten diaries! lol
The Freedom Man Posted - 09/09/2004 : 21:13:40
Yeah, I have some of the Old Revealation newsletters also, very interesting!!Pitty it didn't last too long! But it is nice to read what was happening back in the good ol' days!

Keep them collections coming!!!

The Freedom Man Posted - 09/09/2004 : 21:13:05
Yeah, I have some of the Old Revealation newsletters also, very interesting!!Pitty it didn't last too long! But it is nice to read what was happening back in the good ol' days!

Keep them collections coming!!!

Lizzyb Posted - 09/09/2004 : 20:30:48
as some of you know already, I have arthur's water bottle from Leeds in August 2002.

and crumpled setlists, ticket stubs, guitar picks - including the one that just hit my outstretched hand in Nottingham

and the memories of course

Keep on shining
Gill Posted - 09/09/2004 : 20:11:17
That's quite some collection you have there Ed! Mine isn't as good as yours, although I do at least have a personally signed by Arthur Love flyer. I know I also have lots of other goodies in a tea chest that is in my attic - one of these days I'll get it out to see what I still have. I know there's some of the old "Love And The Doors Appreciation Society" stuff and some of the old Elektra Revelation newsletters in there somewhere.


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