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 7&7 is on UK radio last sat

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Lizzyb Posted - 07/09/2004 : 21:58:09
nearly forgot to mention

joanie d phoned overexcited on sat because Mark Lamaar had just played 7&7 is as the first song on his new show - which was called something like the alternative sixties.

well i never

Keep on shining
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Fingaz Posted - 08/09/2004 : 14:06:15
Originally posted by Ben

...and Mark Radcliffe played Alone Again Or as part of the Crucial Three last week. Off topic but the very wonderful Durutti Column are live on the show tonight.

Cool, another Durutti fan. Just listening to Someone Else's Party as i type this.
Fingaz Posted - 08/09/2004 : 14:04:27
It's probably been mentioned before, as I was watching a repeat, put Alone Again Or was played The Royal, Was well chuffed when I heard it.
It also appears on a new compilation album 'Woodtock Generation' hopefully it will introduce Love to a whole new audience.
Ben Posted - 08/09/2004 : 10:37:08
...and Mark Radcliffe played Alone Again Or as part of the Crucial Three last week. Off topic but the very wonderful Durutti Column are live on the show tonight.
Tina Posted - 08/09/2004 : 09:44:59

Try this link and click on the link on the right hand side to listen again to the whole show - the wonders of modern technology
Lizzyb Posted - 07/09/2004 : 22:31:19
yes i know i'm talking to myself but...........

Joanie d emailed the mark lamarr people and look at the reply!! radio 2 saturday evening

Hi Joan,

Many thanks for your email - We're really pleased with the way the first
shows have been going. Loads more Love coming up in the next few shows.

Your support means a great deal to us!

Keep listening,

Best regards
Simon Poole

Keep on shining

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