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 The Ballad of Cliff De Young

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Clear Light Posted - 28/07/2005 : 03:13:19
I thought some of you might like to take a look at the interview with Cliff De Young that I just uploaded to the Clear Light website. In addition to plenty of stuff about Paul Rothchild and Elektra you can also check out Cliff's comments on Arthur and Love.

Let me know what you think!

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
boombox Posted - 28/07/2005 : 23:59:32
I agree - Clear Light album is excellent. Bought it 2nd hand 20 years ago (unfortunately a rerelease) and have played it to death over the years.
steve64 Posted - 28/07/2005 : 16:12:33
the Clear Light album is very good too Clear Light bassist Doug Lubahn played bass on a couple of Doors albums too .....

hey ho! lets go!
jellybean Posted - 28/07/2005 : 15:21:35
i always had a feeling arthur was...not quite earthly!
bigrubberglove Posted - 28/07/2005 : 05:24:58
Nice! Here is a key take away:

Q: The Clear Light album came out at a point when everything Elektra released seemed to be a success, it was in the batch of releases that included The Doors’ Strange Days and Love’s Forever Changes.

A: Love were a very underestimated band, I mean that Arthur Lee could kick ass like nobody’s business. If he hadn’t have been certifiably insane that band would have really gone someplace. The poor guys in his band, they were great guys and they were all really good but they had this look in their eye like, “It ain’t gonna happen with this guy, he’s so good and so brilliant and so disturbed that we are just hanging on by our fingertips.” When you heard them live it was the tightest band in the world. With Arthur there was always the idea that he was some kind of alien from outer space, that he wasn’t even an earthling. God bless him, he was a wonderful guy and there were a couple of albums there I really liked.

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