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 House Is Not A Hotel–UK press gets cut off at end?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lemonade kid Posted - 31/12/2024 : 19:33:43
Question from a fan...anyone know of this?

Here's something I've always wondered. Have seen a couple references over the years from people in the UK that refer, approvingly, to their version of "A House Is Not a Motel" getting cut [off] as the track peaks with Johnny Echols's terrific double-tracked solos (I'm assuming sort of like King Crimson's "One More Red Nightmare" where the tape ran out). I think Mark Hollis said that version of "A House Is Not a Motel" was the inspiration for how he ended "Ascension Day" on Talk Talk's LAUGHING STOCK. Does anyone know this edit or was it a possible cutting error on a '70s UK press of FOREVER CHANGES? I can't find any version, single edit or otherwise, that ends this way.


The actual writing of a song usually comes in the form of a realisation.
I can't contrive a song. – GENE CLARK
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lemonade kid Posted - 02/01/2025 : 16:26:12
So a number of responses from UK friends about the early 70' s/80's UK vinyl Forever Changes...

The British version of the album that was available in the 80s (when I first heard it) featured a b&w photo of Arthur Lee (wearing a bad wig, so post-Love) on the rear sleeve. I remember reading about the ‘different’ smashed jug band photo years before I actually saw it.


That's the one I had. B&W photo and sudden ending. I bought it in 1977. I think it was released earlier in the '70s though - maybe 1973. In my naivety at the time I assumed Forever Changes was a 1973 album. Sold it long ago.

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