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 love in darlington (UK) <read love!!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
serabob Posted - 08/07/2005 : 02:06:49
Hey hey
my little darlings.
Loved your show at the forum the other night... I know it was totally random of you to play and sooooo glad you did... you were all great. Such lovely people too, all so friendly. I'm sure you'll remember me hehehe, I was the girl that gave you the demo of my friend Waynes music... his web page is ...... I gave you mine too
which I'm sure you've remembered ;) hehe. just kidding.
Hope you guys are enjoying the rest of your gigs and have a safe journey home from the UK, even know your leaving on the same night of my gig... tutt! hehe

love sera xxx

and those who also saw love.... aint they something brilliant!!!

boys or ballet?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
caryne Posted - 09/07/2005 : 08:58:00
Agree with you 100% Keith and Larry, if this band are to continue it needs new fans. This person turned up for a last minute gig and, obviously really enjoyed it, so she'd like to tell us that her and her mate make music too, that's's not as if she's one of those posters who just comes on to promote themselves, hers is an incidental...there is a very big difference.
Sera, welcome to the board, hope you can make many more 'Love' gigs in the future
Scottishkeith Posted - 09/07/2005 : 01:16:47
Larry you're right.

It's people like this that came out and supported the guys for the last minute show arranged in Darlington.

We should be encouraging new young fans on this board rather than acting like half wits
serabob Posted - 08/07/2005 : 12:13:56
hey I'm dead proud of self-promotion

if i hadn't put it you wouldn't know it! simple.
and if you found it so annoying why did you carry on reading, and also take the time to reply.... i think you need to find yourself something else to do with your time.

boys or ballet?
LarryNYC Posted - 08/07/2005 : 07:49:02
Oh come on give the kid a break
jimmyboy Posted - 08/07/2005 : 05:38:06
Thanks for the annoying self-promotion.

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