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T O P I C    R E V I E W
John E Posted - 07/06/2005 : 13:07:17
I've bought "Forever Changes" as a present for several people who I felt would really appreciate it. However, I have never met with any really affirmative response. I think part of the problem may be that
they play the whole thing including the bonus tracks, and lose the plot with these (hence not playing the album again). Does anyone else have this experience? I think it would have been better if FC was on one CD, and the out-takes on a separate disc. I personally
hope that we get a new 40th anniversary edition in 2007, which is presented along these lines. Love, John E
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Allan Posted - 08/06/2005 : 15:15:40
John-Like many of us here, I had been listening to (and loving) LOVE since the 60's. So when I bought the CD, the songs were of course familiar...but the out takes and alternate mixes were refreshing.

As for other people that have never listened to LOVE before, I can see your point. For me, FC did not hit home until about the 4th or 5th time through. After that, it has become a main staple in my music diet for years now.

caryne Posted - 07/06/2005 : 16:13:59
Everyone I've lent a copy of FC to has loved it so can't comment on that one.
A 40th anniversary edition may be nice but, in all honesty, would there be the market for it?

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