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 Forever Changes DVD in Woolworths chart (£6.97!)

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John E Posted - 30/05/2005 : 19:24:29
David Housden drew my attenton to this. It's still in Woolworths music chart and selling for £6.97. Furthermore it's the version that includes "Listen to My Song" and "Always See Your Face", instead of "Stephanie Knows Who" and August". I've just bought two (one as a present). Love, John E
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Tina Posted - 05/06/2005 : 21:48:11
Hi B7addE are you a Nottingham person then??

Re your question, I haven't got a clue - techy stuff not my thang. Its a damn fine DVD however - although I do think the live gigs have got better since the RFH in Jan/Feb 2002
B7addE Posted - 05/06/2005 : 18:49:45
I bought a copy of this issue from FOPP in Nottingham, a few weeks ago, it was £6.99.

To repeat my original question, this version is in letterbox format, does anyone know if it is available in true 16:9 widescreen ?

Judith Posted - 03/06/2005 : 23:56:47
Thanks for that John-thought my imagination was playing tricks as tried it again and couldn't find it. Most obvious place was Arthur's right-eye shade!!
John E Posted - 03/06/2005 : 23:34:26
Hi Judith,
Thanks for mentioning that. I've just checked my Woolworths copy, and it does include "Singing Cowboy" get it, if you click on Arthur's right eye-shade (same as on my original DVD). Love, John E
Judith Posted - 03/06/2005 : 20:58:09
Recently bought copy from Virgin (same version as John E mentions) after 'she comes in colours' there's a version of 'singing cowboy' which isn't on the set list-great version though.
jim Posted - 30/05/2005 : 23:36:39
hi all,
I found it very strange walking into woolworths in Sandown IOW & finding 20+ copies in the DVD display rack,i did'nt even notice a diffrent tracklisting.

Cheers jim
John E Posted - 30/05/2005 : 22:13:07
Thanks for the link Torben. Strangely, it said £8.97 in the DVD section, but they only charged me £6.97, when I went to the till. In another branch, I saw it marked up at £6.97, however. Still a bargain, though...even at the higher price! All the best, John E
torben Posted - 30/05/2005 : 21:39:45
No Woolworths in Denmark.
They have a website but dvd is £8.97
John E Posted - 30/05/2005 : 20:50:32
Hi Torben,
I very much doubt that Woolworths have a web-site. Do you have Woolworths stores where you are? They're a long-running chain of general stores that have many branches in the UK and USA.
All the best, John E
torben Posted - 30/05/2005 : 20:43:53
Did you buy it in a shop or online?
I can't find it at that price online, maybee you can point me in the right direction.

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