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 Johnny's doubleneck guitar

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ruxprncd Posted - 29/04/2005 : 00:13:03
Saw that the esteemed Mr. Echols has posted here a few times...:) just in case he sees this...

Johnny, any chance we'll see you with the doubleneck guitar? Do you still have it from back in the day?

It's wonderful that you're back playing in the band - hopefully this Florida resident will be able to make a trip and see you all sometime in '05!!!

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dukie Posted - 29/04/2005 : 22:56:14
No, Johnny doesn't have that guitar any more (but wishes that he did)!! When I spoke to him in Bristol, and showed him the cover of "The Castle"#9 with that great shot of him playing the Mosrite twin-neck onstage in 1966/1967, he said he wished that he still had the guitar, but didn't elaborate on what had happened to it......
ruxprncd Posted - 29/04/2005 : 13:19:10
Ha! No, see recent posts under 'general discussions about music'.

I'm sure you're esteemed in your own right, of course :)
John E Posted - 29/04/2005 : 11:31:48
Hi ruxprncd,
I trust you're not confusing me with the rightly esteemed Mr. Echols!
All the best, John E

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