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 AArrgh - Shame on Someone

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Lizzyb Posted - 15/04/2005 : 21:58:42
just checked Mike R's blog

seems he had his shoulder bag (ie Whole Life kit) stolen. what a terrible thing to happen - and to such a good guy too.
I do hope he reported it and that someone's onto tracing his phone or do they only do that in movies?

After we've had so much pleasure this tour, something like that takes all the shine off, and for poor mike it must be just terrible.

shame on you whoever/wherever you are
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Loov Posted - 07/05/2005 : 20:07:05
Not having read his blog, caryne explained it perfectly.

John E Posted - 02/05/2005 : 21:53:36
Hi Loov,
If you think about it, there are six members of Love, they've been playing at small clubs, and ticket prices are incredibly reasonable. Simple logistics suggest that the members are not exactly earning a fortune, so any money they do earn must be quite important to them. Losing the whole lot is a real bummer, so as I see it, this is like a bunch of people having a whip-round to help one of their mates through a difficult time. All the best, John E
caryne Posted - 02/05/2005 : 21:07:38
Read his blog for the full details..but mainly, apart from a whole lot of personal stuff, his entire wages for the tour were stolen. Hence the need for a 'benefit' of some kind, to try and give him enough to get by on till he can earn more.
Loov Posted - 02/05/2005 : 17:48:06
What is a Whole Life kit? All his savings? memories? Did someone steal his soul? not to minimize, since I don't know what this means, but why would a benefit be necessary?

Susan B. Posted - 25/04/2005 : 23:03:36
I echo every person's thoughts on this subject. Why do bad things happen to good people so often? Tina: Look for my donation if you can send from U.S.
John E Posted - 19/04/2005 : 23:07:49
I've just heard this news, and I feel really gutted for Mike. He's one person who doesn't deserve this, and his response reflects the balance and maturity that he brings to all situations. I really want to help, and make a donation. If anything's decided, please e-mail me on Love, John E
Tina Posted - 19/04/2005 : 19:24:21
Hey ruxprncd (?) thats a really great idea!! No nothing was really decided, I was planning to open an account but haven't yet.However the PayPal account for Mike is already there so that would be a good way to transfer funds!!
Barber John Posted - 19/04/2005 : 16:37:04
Didn't make the chatroom. Was anything decided?
Very keen to help.
ruxprncd Posted - 16/04/2005 : 20:37:04
PS (see above post): FYI both Mike and Rusty's CDs are excellent. If you haven't heard them, you need to :).
ruxprncd Posted - 16/04/2005 : 20:34:41
Here's one idea: Make sure that the few CDs and t-shirts left for sale on are sold out, and maybe kick in a few extra $ when buying...

Really a bummer that this happened. Mike's a great guy & deserves better, that's for sure.
Tina Posted - 16/04/2005 : 14:33:38
I'd be more than happy to do that. How's about everyone who's interested in trying to get something sorted out to help Mike meet up for a virtual chat on Torben's chat room 9pm UK time Sunday evening??
Aake Posted - 16/04/2005 : 13:14:24
So sad hear this just after having such a good time.
Maybe someone(Tina ?)could open up A fundraiser account.
Gill Posted - 16/04/2005 : 11:29:11
What a dreadful thing to happen - there must be some way we can help.

caryne Posted - 16/04/2005 : 10:57:03
I'm totally with you on this's just got me so angry that this could happen to such a nice guy...we should do something? Wonder if a benefit gig would be possible? How about those lovely guys in Primary 5, would they help?
Tina Posted - 16/04/2005 : 09:48:50
Maybe we should all put our heads together and see what we can do to help Mike, who has been an absolute star on this tour as always - some sort of benefit gig / fundraiser maybe?? Anyone got any ideas??

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