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Antispam question: What's Mr. Lee's Firstname?
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
John9 Posted - 13/01/2010 : 10:41:01
When back in 1974, the news of Love's forthcoming UK tour broke in the music press, I can remember there being a great deal of excitement...especially in view of the early reports that Bryan would be on board as well. But of course, the names of the many new band members were not at all familiar to us. I and a number of fellow fans began to refer to Melvin Whittington affectionally as'Slick Dick Whittington' thus ingeniously (or so we thought) combining the name of the character in the song with that of one of London's most enduring legends.....the guy with the cat. But it dawned on me yesterday - when Kdion identified for us Melvin as the guitarist on The Seven and Seven Is Youtube clip - that The Dick Whittington story must also be one of the earliest references to the line:

"The streets are paved with gold"
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Allan Posted - 18/01/2010 : 18:43:40


Perhaps a typo...perhaps a mistake

It's all good

ThomasGalasso Posted - 17/01/2010 : 07:53:21

Melvan, not Melvin. Hah!


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