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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jayson_valentine Posted - 12/01/2010 : 01:23:19
Does anyone know when this was recorded and what line up it is?
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
kdion11 Posted - 12/01/2010 : 22:09:14
Originally posted by John9

Thanks for resolving this Kdion - I've often held the album you were responsible for in my hands when I've been browsing in record stores - but for some reason I've never gone ahead with the purchase - there have been quite a few from that era haven't there?

KD: Thanks John. Great set of performances from those shows, of which I was also present. It appears that the audio from the
YouTube link may be better than the sources I was using when mastering the album.

Just so everyone knows, Electrically Speaking ended up being pirated a couple of times without either my or Arthur's permission and has surfaced under the titles "Back on the Scene", and "And More Again:
Live in LA" amongst others. Several of the songs have been pirated on a plethora of UK and European compilations too - also without anyone's permission.

Diane has just put up a great video of "You're The Prettiest Song"
from these same At My Place shows which is absolutely killer.

Free the songs !
John9 Posted - 12/01/2010 : 19:46:06
Thanks for resolving this Kdion - I've often held the album you were responsible for in my hands when I've been browsing in record stores - but for some reason I've never gone ahead with the purchase - there have been quite a few from that era haven't there?
kdion11 Posted - 12/01/2010 : 19:39:35
Originally posted by jayson_valentine

Does anyone know when this was recorded and what line up it is?

KD: You guys are all wrong ! You can tell by the lead
guitar at the end - it's Melvan Whittington. You can
also tell by the "Thank you for this warm reception.."
By Arthur at the end.

It's from The At My Place Shows from Santa Monica in either 1991 or 1992 - I should know because I produced it's release when it came out on Electricaly Speaking in 2001 !

Free the 7's !

John9 Posted - 12/01/2010 : 15:59:37
This is certainly intriguing...but it doesn't sound to me like the original lineup. I wonder if it perhaps the Lee-Sterling- Kesterson -Suranovich ensemble from about 1975. When I saw them do Seven and Seven Is at Liverpool in that year, it really did stop the show.....and some members of the audience were demanding an immediate reprise!
ruxprncd Posted - 12/01/2010 : 13:05:45
no, it's not from the '78 album (I *wish* the '78 album was that good...).
jayson_valentine Posted - 12/01/2010 : 09:24:01
Do you think it's from the 1978 album?
Joe Morris Posted - 12/01/2010 : 06:40:17
yep, thats the Whisky!

between Clark and Hilldale, natch!
ruxprncd Posted - 12/01/2010 : 03:09:55
dunno - Whiskey a Go Go 1966? ;)

but seriously...i'm curious's a damn fine version, i must say!

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