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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Joe Morris Posted - 20/11/2009 : 02:32:12
gotta say, I'm liking this group

Jay seems to have started it after being getting the boot from Love (Arthur wouldn't allow him into the studio!)

gotta say, its a very pleasant sound he gets on the album. Whether they toured at all, I'm not sure, but I've really gotta recommend it. The odd track with piano reminds me of the Beckies (Mike Brown's 3rd band post Left Banke)

The songs are good, the harmonies nice. Recommended!

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Joe Morris Posted - 20/11/2009 : 17:08:06
Hi thanks for passing it along

I remember the albums being reviewed in an old issue of the Castle, but they might not have sold too well. Why Jay went back to his birth name on the release (Jay Lewis) than keeping his known name with Love (Arthur named him as I recall) Jay Donnellan..

I think Tjay did a little after leaving Love as well. Most of the group didn't do too much, and Bryan didn't release any recordings till the late 90s, though Rhino wanted him to go to play "My little red book" at the Great Wall (!)

maybe he was more keen on "Alone again or" ?
lemonade kid Posted - 20/11/2009 : 14:31:29
Originally posted by Joe Morris

gotta say, I'm liking this group

Jay seems to have started it after being getting the boot from Love (Arthur wouldn't allow him into the studio!)

gotta say, its a very pleasant sound he gets on the album. Whether they toured at all, I'm not sure, but I've really gotta recommend it. The odd track with piano reminds me of the Beckies (Mike Brown's 3rd band post Left Banke)

The songs are good, the harmonies nice. Recommended!

Glad you like it too. It does have a Left Banke, Country rock edge.....great tunes and fine musicianship.

It's one that needs to be passed around...since it is OOP.
One can download it at or PM me. MusicStack has a couple vinyl--$36-$63. Google should find something to download....

Thanks to Dukie for getting me into this one....

Everybody's got something to hide 'cept for me and my monkey.

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