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 LOVE 1966 photos

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bob f. Posted - 31/05/2009 : 23:22:12
i found this site and scrolling down, concert photos with Bryan and Arthur, supposedly at The Santa Monica Civic I'd not seen before. i couldn't find it in the tour archives. anyone?
p.s: i was at that Elysian Park love-in!
...what the world needs now...
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
kdion11 Posted - 24/06/2009 : 01:17:54
Originally posted by myoungish

Whoa! I've never seen that photo of Arthur with Jimi before either. Does anyone know if that pic (the two of them sitting on a sofa at the Whiskey in '69) is legit...or a montage?

Michael Young

KD: And there are at least two different angles / poses
from that session. More than likely backstage from a LOVE
gig at the Whiskey from April 1969.
bob f. Posted - 22/06/2009 : 23:34:37
that's a real photo. it is from the day that another similar photo on "Vindicator" lp.

...what the world needs now...
myoungish Posted - 22/06/2009 : 22:44:40
Whoa! I've never seen that photo of Arthur with Jimi before either. Does anyone know if that pic (the two of them sitting on a sofa at the Whiskey in '69) is legit...or a montage?

Michael Young
Joe Morris Posted - 18/06/2009 : 03:34:43
I think the commercial is on the Love page on Myspace
bob f. Posted - 14/06/2009 : 03:24:35

...what the world needs now...
ThomasGalasso Posted - 13/06/2009 : 18:43:53

Those are pictures I purchased maybe two years ago from a fellow in Northern California who found the undeveloped negatives in his home. I then posted them to the official MySpace page as part of the archives.

As far as footage there is some from that era that is owned by the Wolfgang's Vault crew. They said something about it in MOJO a year ago, but they have yet to surface.

I am working on getting a commercial from Thomasine and Bushrod. My friend bought one, its all audio, but features the song Arthur wrote and sang. There is stuff out there, you just have to stay on eBay looking constantly.


jayson_valentine Posted - 09/06/2009 : 20:06:09
I don't think after 45 years that any live footage of the original band will surface. I'm positive Love were recorded, but I think any film that might have existed has gotten lost or deteriorated by now. And if anyone still had intact footage, they'd only share it for a price. Or, somebody could've inherited some tapes and have them sitting in a box in their basement not realizing their significance.
bob f. Posted - 03/06/2009 : 01:24:11
spent a hour waiting for dowload of the more photos. logged into myspace, and my f****** computer froze. not sure if there are more photos beyond the 20 per page accessable from page 1 which i already saw till page 5. ayway, it would be good to see enlarged images posted here from page 1.
i found some mention of the Santa Monica Civic 1966 KBLA Concert where the photos are from here. and i missed a zoozy of a show!:

"Picked this up recently but haven't viewed it yet. I'm almost afraid to, despite the good reviews. I saw Love at the Santa Monica Civic in
December of '66. It was a KBLA (remember Humble Harv!) XMAS show with plenty of LA bands. Turtles, Association, Buffalo Springfield,
Seeds, Music Machine, Sonny & Cher.....I'm sure there were more that my brain can't seem to remember. I do remember Love being absolutely
great. Through the foggy mists of time, the memory remains, however accurate or not. One day, I will put this DVD on. Just give me a
little time. I'm working up to it."

(this poster was referring to either the love story or England Concert DVDs)

...what the world needs now...
lemonade kid Posted - 02/06/2009 : 22:25:46
Originally posted by bob f.

WOW! I found some more!

...what the world needs now...

Wow! Bob! From the brilliant Da Capo period....this is as good as it gets!

And as has been voiced, "WHERE'S THE FILM FOOTAGE!!!!" Gotta have it!!

Guess I'm gonna have to sign on a membership just so I can view ALL!! Damn, ya got me!!

Never run from anything immortal. It attracts their attention.
bob f. Posted - 02/06/2009 : 22:23:02
i believe that someone out there has video or audio.
it is someone not on this board!
someone who just HAS it, unaware of the importance.
maybe if there were a publicly requested notice and reward offered, with proceeds to a charity in Arthur's name......
in the meantime, the search continues for pieces of the holy grail!

...what the world needs now...
kdion11 Posted - 02/06/2009 : 21:36:27
Originally posted by bob f.

WOW! I found some more!

...what the world needs now...

KD: Killer photos. Too bad this show wasn't recorded and
otiselevator Posted - 02/06/2009 : 21:25:15
Wonderful! Now if we can only find someone who recorded them.........
bob f. Posted - 02/06/2009 : 00:49:27
WOW! I found some more!

...what the world needs now...
markk Posted - 02/06/2009 : 00:05:39
Wow, not only are they vintage, but the quality and clarity is excellent.
lemonade kid Posted - 01/06/2009 : 22:17:50
Very nice, Bob!

Never run from anything immortal. It attracts their attention.

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