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 Unrecorded Love tracks 65-68

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Chris Anglesey Posted - 27/05/2009 : 23:32:47
Hey there,

I know there's one or two older heads on this list who were lucky enough to see the original Love line-up in action. I've got a question for you, if you don't mind...

Did the original line-up ever play songs live which for one reason, or another, were never committed to vinyl?

I know about Smokestack Lightning/John Lee Hooker but was wondering if there are any others. If so, can you recall what they were like? Did any of them deserve to be featured on either of the first 3 albums?

Thanks for your time. Just a bit curious about this one.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Joe Morris Posted - 29/05/2009 : 04:57:20
I'm more surprised that demos cut when they were the Grass Roots haven't surfaced
kdion11 Posted - 28/05/2009 : 20:03:47
Originally posted by Chris Anglesey

Hey there,

I know there's one or two older heads on this list who were lucky enough to see the original Love line-up in action. I've got a question for you, if you don't mind...

Did the original line-up ever play songs live which for one reason, or another, were never committed to vinyl?

I know about Smokestack Lightning/John Lee Hooker but was wondering if there are any others. If so, can you recall what they were like? Did any of them deserve to be featured on either of the first 3 albums?

Thanks for your time. Just a bit curious about this one.

KD: Hey Chris - though I didn't get to see the original line up,
most of us here know that unfortunately NO known live tapes are
in existence (read: circulation anyway), so there is no real way
of knowing or telling.

Free the songs and the tapes !
bob f. Posted - 27/05/2009 : 23:58:51
welcome to the board!
although I did see the classic LOVE in 1966 at Hulluballoo, Hollywood, my recall of the event is very cloudy! I do remember Arthur blowin' his blues harp on, " Signed D.C."
i'm there are unrecorded songs they did live.

...what the world needs now...

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