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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lemonade kid Posted - 11/05/2009 : 02:32:56
A good place to share excerpts from various books and articles about our Arthur Lee. Or your favorite QUOTE or LYRICby Arthur.....

from 33 1/3 Forever Changes.....

Ken Forssi remembered, "Arthur had this big house right on the top of Mulholland Drive, and we'd look down over the city from there. Arthur would sit up there staring out and wondering about all the ambulances." For Lee's part, the move marked his total withdrawal from the Sunset Strip scene he helped create. Once he settled into his Lookout Mountain perch, he "didn't want to hang out with anybody", as he recalled years later. "Jim Morrison used to sit outside my door when I lived in Laurel Canyon, wanting to hang out with me. I just let him sit there." The Lizard King loitering on your stoop, and you don't even let him in for a cup of tea. Dignified paranoia indeed.

a deep insight into the mind of Arthur Lee during the FC times....

Never run from anything immortal. It attracts their attention.
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lemonade kid Posted - 20/06/2009 : 19:51:43
"I'm still waiting for the day....?"

Never run from anything immortal. It attracts their attention.
Joe Morris Posted - 19/05/2009 : 15:54:07
I'd buy the album just for the song titles

I should play it actually. Take the Kinks box set off the turntable!
bob f. Posted - 19/05/2009 : 00:18:05
that photo in rolligstone with Arthur and his "new band" in Memphis, brought shades of Shakespearian imagery to mind.
YSTS is an epic , indeed! it is multi-dimensional.

...what the world needs now...
rocker Posted - 18/05/2009 : 22:06:23

"We are of such stuff as dreams are made on
And our little life is rounded with sleep"

With YSTS, I think Arthur together with his dreams hit the heights just like the old bard with his lines...the song is timeless...

Joe Morris Posted - 14/05/2009 : 06:38:17
Yeah, isn't that right?

up there with Shakespeares As You Like It

you know Jacques talking about
"All the worlds a stage..."

I won't quote all of the ages of man speech here!

I tend to find a lot of truth in Shakespeare though. By the bucketload in King Lear!

(I guess if S has a best, its King Lear; but thats forgetting Hamlet, Romeo & Henry the Fourth!)

I'm glad they went with You Set The Scene
than You Do Set The Scene..
lemonade kid Posted - 13/05/2009 : 21:13:49
Originally posted by Joe Morris

You set the scene

Says it ALL, Joe.

Never run from anything immortal. It attracts their attention.
Joe Morris Posted - 13/05/2009 : 05:43:44
You set the scene
bob f. Posted - 13/05/2009 : 02:28:25
"To all my fans,
It's my honour and pleasure to finally
have the chance to perform the
album, Forever Changes, the way you
have heard it all these years. I love all
of you who stuck by me throughout
the years...
and to everyone else, get hip!

See you again soon,
Arthur Lee
December 2002"
_____----from the FOREVER CHANGES CONCERTS TOUR 2003 souveneer brochure.

...what the world needs now...
Joe Morris Posted - 12/05/2009 : 05:17:08
"Love jumped through my window"
rocker Posted - 11/05/2009 : 14:07:16
And if we get examples of Arthur's best wit either in his lyrics or quips when he talked to people...Some of his lines are great....right a 'house is not a motel')...And "I don't want you using up my time!".
Joe Morris Posted - 11/05/2009 : 05:29:47
A house is not a motel

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