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 Shuggie Otis on Arthur Lee

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jazmaan Posted - 21/10/2008 : 06:31:15
So I'm at my local newstand today and I'm browsing the music mags and I do a double-take because there's this gorgeous color photo of Shuggie Otis on the cover of this high-end magazine (almost more like a book) called "Waxpoetic". I open it up and there's a lengthy new interview with Shuggie Otis inside.

So now I'm at home reading the interview and I get to this passage:

"We used to record in the same studio (with Sly Stone) . . . we'd be in one studio and he'd be in another, or maybe Johnny Mathis would be in another studio or maybe Andy Williams or Arthur Lee & Love. Love was a great band. Man, Arthur Lee is like my big brother - or he was. Maybe he still is, I don't know. Me and Arthur is a whole 'nother story. I cussed him out a couple of times. That's how close we were. It was just like a brotherly thing."

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
myoungish Posted - 23/10/2008 : 05:44:44
Kool. Thanx for the heads up. Can't wait to see the new issue. Wax Poetics is really a work of art. I'm so glad that they've had as long a run as they have. It's really almost too good to be true.....Shuggie and Arthur have/had some things in common: They are both serious enigmas wrapped in mysteries, they both put out some seriously under-appreciated (at the time of release) stone-cold classic records, they are/were both serious recluses....If anyone on the board does not have Shuggie's Inspiration Information, it is an absolute must. It was recorded in the early-seventies, and David Byrne's label (Luaka Bop) reissued it a few years back. Gorgeous dream-funk from another planet!

Michael Young
undergroundbasement Posted - 21/10/2008 : 06:50:16
Ah, man.. I'd love to hear more about that "whole 'nother story" that he mentions!

We're all normal...
jazmaan Posted - 21/10/2008 : 06:39:24
By the way, I have some very cool original 3-D prints of Shuggie (and also of Delmar "Mighty Mouth" Evans) that I took on the Johnny Otis Show tour bus in the 80's. They're fresnel lens pics like the cover of "Satanic Majesties Request". I posted them to the internet a few years ago but on the web you can't really see the 3D effect.

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