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 Question about "Girl On Fire"

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undergroundbasement Posted - 21/10/2008 : 06:21:40
I'm listening to Love's performance at the Cubby Bear in Chicago, Illinois from December 4, 1993 and they play "Girl On Fire" towards the end of the show.

Is this song still commercially available? If so, where can I buy it? If not, could somebody send me a link to hear it?

Here's what Arthur Lee says before they performed it in Chicago:

"Anyway, we're gonna do a new song that's coming out. It's comin' out in the middle of this month. It's called "Girl On Fire". It's gonna be on Distortion Records, believe it or not."

We're all normal...
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dave Posted - 25/10/2008 : 19:44:17
Same version..but from a cleaner source...

"oh the snot has caked against my has turned into crystal"
undergroundbasement Posted - 25/10/2008 : 08:40:59
Another question about "Girl On Fire", I hope I'm not being bothersome...

Is the b-side "Midnight Sun" the same version that appears on the Black Beauty bootleg? Or did they re-record it?

We're all normal...
undergroundbasement Posted - 25/10/2008 : 03:35:36
Originally posted by dave

I emailed it to you yesterday...did you not get it...?

Many thanks, it was received. Very cool tune!

We're all normal...
ruxprncd Posted - 25/10/2008 : 02:07:18
I think it's a greate song - I remember how blown away I was when I heard it for the first time. IMO the single version is the best of them all.
caryne Posted - 24/10/2008 : 19:32:01
Originally posted by undergroundbasement

I'm listening to Love's performance at the Cubby Bear in Chicago, Illinois from December 4, 1993 and they play "Girl On Fire" towards the end of the show.

Is this song still commercially available? If so, where can I buy it? If not, could somebody send me a link to hear it?

Here's what Arthur Lee says before they performed it in Chicago:

"Anyway, we're gonna do a new song that's coming out. It's comin' out in the middle of this month. It's called "Girl On Fire". It's gonna be on Distortion Records, believe it or not."

We're all normal...

There's plenty of copies, at various prices, available on Gemm
dave Posted - 24/10/2008 : 12:30:45
I emailed it to you yesterday...did you not get it...?

"oh the snot has caked against my has turned into crystal"
undergroundbasement Posted - 24/10/2008 : 09:39:54
Originally posted by Joe Morris

The acoustic demo of the track is better, in my humble o!

Are you talking about the one from the New Rose album demos? I like that one, but still haven't heard the single version. Could somebody please send me a link to hear it? My e-mail address is in my profile and available to users of this forum.

Thanks in advance!

We're all normal...
Joe Morris Posted - 22/10/2008 : 05:39:10
The acoustic demo of the track is better, in my humble o!
dave Posted - 21/10/2008 : 13:24:14
It turns up occasionally on ebay...or you could try P2P sites...

i have an mp3 of it, i could send if you PM your email ?


"oh the snot has caked against my has turned into crystal"

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